English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Ency (monkey), 信区: English
标 题: idioms
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Aug 13 16:49:53 2003)
in this mess = in this bad situation
I'll take you up on your offer = I'll accept your offer
You can count on me = You can depend on me
I'm dead meat = I'm in trouble
to bring somebody up to speed = catch up
I will treat you = I will take care of you
I feel under the weather = I fell sick
give it a rest = stop bothering me
a piece of cake/pie = simple, easy
I need to recharge my battery = I need to have a rest
watch out = look out
There are a lot of fish in the sea
= There are a lot of girls in the world
out of hand = out of control
pass away = die
to keep an eye on somebody = take care for somebody
= watch out for somebody
you are so mean = you are so cruel
What's up with you? = Do you have a problem?
It doesn't make sense. = It is not logical.
Don't sell yourself shot. = Don't put yourself down.
= Don't best yourself up.
What do we stand? = What about our relationship?
I'll piss you off. = I'll make you mad. = Get out!
a dime a dozen = cheap, easy to get
Things are working out. = Things are going well.
just drop by somebody's house = just visit somebody's house.
Are you doing anything special for... = Are you busy?
to do something out of line = make a mistake
pick up on something = understand something
company time = working time
lighten up = don't be so serious = take it easy
I'm broke = I don't have any money.
I can ring you up. = I can help you to check out your products.
break up of someone = separate from someone
I'm tied up = I'm busy.
chill out = relax
Don't call us, we'll call you. = Forget about it.
Getting the brush off = good-bye forever
I'll give it a shot = I'll try.
I'm dead sure = I'm 100 percent sure.
= If I'm wrong, you can kill me
You're pulling my leg! = You're kidding me!
Different strokes for different folks.
= Everyone has a different interest and taste
Here is the deal = Here is what we are doing.
Let it lie = Don't talk about it = Forget about it.
You can't have your cake and eat it, too!
= You can't have everything you want.
= Don't expect to get everything which you want.
get out of our chest = share our experience
That's it in a nutshell = Make it short = summarize it
to love unconditionally = to love someone no matter what he does.
That's right on the money. = That's exactly right
= I completely agree.
He is the person who always picked on.
= The person who is always made fun by someone.
You crack me up = You make me laugh.
Here is the deal = Here is what we are doing.
Different strokes for different folks.
= Everyone has a different interest and taste
He give me a green light= go ahead, yes!
all that well = not very well
She is not much for writing. = She doesn't like writing.
call me on = express anger about
go off into peals of laughter = start laughing loudly
You are not supposed to! = You should not!
We are much more physical = we touch one another more
to pick your brain = to get some information from you
I wasn't doing any such thing!
= You are wrong! I was not doing that.
Let's hang up tonight = Let's speed the time together tonight.
back me up = support me
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn [FROM:]
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