English 版 (精华区)
发信人: maynolia (小虾^跃出水面), 信区: English
标 题: 美语中的非正式用语(二)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年10月12日14:35:20 星期天), 站内信件
Like many languages, American English has numerous idioms that paint word
pictures. These colorful expressions come from everyday life and add spice to
language. When Americans want to make a good first impression on someone,
they try to put their best foot forward. That way, they won't get off on the
wrong foot in their relationship. Learning about idioms in a language and
culture can be difficult, but don't get cold feet. Just be careful when using
these expressions. Otherwise, you might put your foot in your mouth.
Americans enjoy making things easy on themselves. Even their
pronunciation is relaxed. Sounds or syllables that are not stressed are
shortened or combined with other sounds. As a result, "What do you want to
do?" becomes "Whaddaya wanna do?" And "I don't know" sounds like "I dunno."
See if you can understand the following conversation:
Gene: Jeet yet?
Tim: No, ju?
Gene: Skoeet!
Now let's translate it into regular English:
Gene: Did you eat yet?
Tim: No, did you?
Gene: Let's go eat!
School teachers probably cringe at this kind of pronunciation. But the
fact is, that's how Americans often talk in real-life situations.
,通常会被缩短或是和其它的音相连。因此,「What do you want to do?」就变成了「Wh
addaya wanna do?」而「I don't know.」听起来像「I dunno.」看看你能不能听懂以下的
吉妮: Jeet yet?
提姆: No, ju?
吉妮: Skoeet!
吉妮: Did you eat yet? (你吃过了没?)
提姆: No, did you? (还没有,你呢?)
吉妮: Let's go eat! (一块儿去吃吧!)
There's one type of informal language that you should avoid using,
however. Swearwords offend many people in America. Sometimes people say
"four-letter words" to express anger or pain. Many of these "curse words" are
terms from the Bible that people have misused. For example, to damn means to
punish forever in Hell, so "damn" and "hell" are strong curses. Using the
names of God or Jesus without respect can also bother people. And one more
thing: stay away from "dirty words"-vulgar descriptions of sex or the human
body. True, some people talk like this, but such "gutter language" should
stay in the gutter.
Americans enjoy being informal. They like making themselves comfortable,
whether it's wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt or using informal language. So
if you want to speak real American-style English, just go casual-especially
if your English teacher isn't looking.
Capture my heart instead of my sight!
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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