English 版 (精华区)
发信人: icecap (暖一暖), 信区: English
标 题: Words the politicians use-Condemnation
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月07日17:27:42 星期一), 站内信件
Outrage simmered in Islamic countries. The language they use, such as "denou
nce (谴责)", "condemn (谴责)", "aggression (侵略)", and "invading forces (侵
略军)," registers outright opposition to the Iraqi crisis. For example:
"Indonesia strongly denounces the unilateral attack on Iraq... The Indonesia
n Government calls on the Security Council of the UN ... to hold an emergenc
y meeting to urge the US and its allies to halt the war..." — Indonesian Pr
esident Megawati Sukarnoputri, on March 20. Indonesia is the world's most po
pulous Muslim nation.
"As it condemns this barbaric aggression to which our Iraqi brethren are bei
ng subjected... Syria calls for an immediate end to the war and the withdraw
al of invading forces ... It urges the UN to assume its role in addressing t
his dangerous situation..." — an official statement by Syria's ruling party
on March 22. Syria is the only Arab non-permanent member of the UN Security
To make the language formal and strong and impersonal, words like "Indonesia
" and "it," rather than naming a particular figure or "I" and "we" are used.
Expressions like "call on (呼吁)," "call for (倡议)" and "urge (敦促)" all
maintain this air of formality and seriousness.
Everyday we have
is one more than we deserve
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