English 版 (精华区)
发信人: icecap (暖一暖), 信区: English
标 题: Words the politicians use-Regrettable
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月07日17:28:41 星期一), 站内信件
Many countries avoided a direct condemnation but expressed regret that the p
roblem could not be solved peacefully through the UN. In such an instance, w
e find "regret," in "France regrets this action taken without approval of th
e UN (法国对未得到联合国批准发动战争深表遗憾);" "hope," in "we hope these op
erations will be as rapid and least deadly as possible (我们希望对伊的军事行
动能够尽快结束,同时将伤亡减少至最低);" "concern," in "News of the start of
the war against Iraq has sparked grave concern (美对伊开战的消息引起了国际社
These terms are more restrained than those used above and the emotions are n
ot so strong. Other ways to express this:
"The military action against Iraq is a big political mistake... The military
action in Iraq is being conducted in spite of world opinion, in spite of th
e principles and norms of international law and the UN Charter...This milita
ry action cannot be justified." — Russian President Vladimir Putin, on Marc
h 20.
"Military action against Iraq is violating the norms of international behavi
our. We express regret and disappointment... we are deeply concerned about t
he loss of lives and property that might follow. We urge the relevant countr
ies to stop using force, to stop military action...(对伊的军事行动违反了国际
我们强烈呼吁有关国家停止使用武力,停止军事行动。)"— Chinese Foreign Ministr
y spokesman Kong Quan, on March 20.
Putin and Kong refer to the "military action against Iraq (对伊军事行动)" ra
ther than "barbaric aggression (野蛮的侵略)," with China's tone being a bit
milder. While Putin calls the US action "a big political mistake (严重的政治
错误)," one that "cannot be justified (不正当的)," China does not mention th
e US by name, referring instead to "the relevant countries".
Everyday we have
is one more than we deserve
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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