English 版 (精华区)
作 家: disk (coffe) on board 'english'
题 目: 容易用混的词5 allow for, allow of
来 源: 哈尔滨紫丁香站
日 期: Fri Jul 4 17:20:37 1997
出 处: bbs@bbs.orange.sjtu.edu.cn
发信人: Chaucer (远尘), 信区: English
标 题: 容易用混的词5 allow for, allow of
发信站: 饮水思源站 (Thu Jul 3 08:59:27 1997) , 转信
Allow for: “将。。。考虑在内”
Allow of: “容许”
Allowing for possible traffic delays, we should be back home
by 9:30.
When making plans we should allow for circumstances,
Large stores usually do not allow of bargaining,
These rules allow of no other interpretation.
※ 来源:·饮水思源站 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn·[FROM:]
※ 来源:·哈尔滨紫丁香站 bbs1.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: bbs@bbs.orange.sjtu.]
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