English 版 (精华区)
发信人: chivalry (LG), 信区: English
标 题: 老高手抄-Skill'技巧'
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月01日11:01:26 星期二), 站内信件
From <vocalbulary22000>
Author Liu Yi
apprentice n 学徒;
Young Ben Franklin learned the printing trade
by serving as apprentice to his half brother Jame.
aptitude n 资质;才能
Eric is clumsy with tools;he has little mechanical aptitude.
craftsman n 技工;
To build a house you need the services of carpenters,briklayers,
plumbers,electricians,and several other craftsman.
dexterity n 技巧;灵活
You can't expert an apprentic to have the same dexterity as a
master craftsman.
adroit a 熟练的;灵巧的
Our adroit passing enabled us to score four touchdowns.
ambidextrous a 双手灵巧的;熟练的
Jack is an ambidextrous hitter; he can bat right-handed or left-handed.
versatile a 多才多艺的;多方面的
Leonardo da Vinci was remarkably versatile. He was a painter,
sculptor, architect,musician,engineer and scientist.
Chivalry includes bravery ,loyalty,honor,courtesy,
repect for woman,protection of the weak,and generosity.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
※ 修改:·chivalry 於 04月01日11:01:54 修改本文·[FROM:]
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