English 版 (精华区)
发信人: chivalry (LG), 信区: English
标 题: LG手抄-有关Disagreement"不一致"的词群
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月10日10:28:01 星期四), 站内信件
altercation n 争吵
The teacher halted the altercation by separating the two opponents
before they could come to blows.
cleavage n 分歧
Our party hopes to repair the clevage in its rank so that it may
present a united front in the coming electiongs.
discord n 争论,不一致(<->accord,harmony)
Billy Budd put an end to the discord aboard the RIGHTS-OF-MAN.
He was an excellent peacemarker.
discrepancy n 不符合之处:矛盾
Eighty students came to the dance but only seventy-four
tickets were collected at the door.Can you account for this
friction n 摩擦
At the budget hearing,there was considerable friction between
the supperters and the opponents of higher taxes.
litigation n 诉讼
Some business disputes can be settled out of court;others require
antagonize vt 对立
The official antagonized the leader of his own party by accusing
his own party by accusing him of cowardice.
dissent vi 反对
The vote approving the amendment was far from unanimous;
six members dissented.
embroil vt 卷入纷争
Motorists who disregard traffic regulations eventually become
embroiled with the law.
estrang vt 疏远
A quarrel over an inheritance estranged the brothers for many
wrangle vi 争吵
When I left,two neighbors were quarreling noisily.When I returned
an hour later,they were still wrangling.
irreconcilable adj 不能相容的;不能妥协的
It is doubtful whether anyone can make pease between the estanged
partners;they have become irreconcilable.
at variance adj 冲突的;不和的
Cynthia is an independent thinker.Her opinions are often at variance
with those of the rest of the class.
Chivalry includes bravery ,loyalty,honor,courtesy,
repect for woman,protection of the weak,and generosity.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
※ 修改:·chivalry 於 04月10日10:28:20 修改本文·[FROM:]
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