English 版 (精华区)
发信人: chivalry (老高·仓仁忆梦), 信区: English
标 题: LG手抄-有关Weakness“衰弱”的词群
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月16日16:43:13 星期三), 站内信件
infirmity n 虚弱
On leaving the hospital,the patient felt almost too weak to walk,
but he soon overcame this in firmity.
debilitate vt 使虚弱(<->invigorate)
The patient had been so debilitated by the fever that he lacked the
strength to sit up.
enervate vt 使无力
Enervated by the heat,we reated under a shady tree until our
strength was retored.
incapacitate vt 使不能
Ruth will be absent today.She is incapacitated by a sore throat.
decadent adj 衰弱的(<->flourshing)
When industry moves away,a flourishing town may quickly become
decrepit adj 老朽的(<->sturdy)
Bill rode past the street on a horse that looked decrepit and about
to collapse.
dilapidated adj 荒废的
Up the road was an abandoned farmhouse,partially in ruins,and
near it was a barn,even more dilapidated.
flimsy adj 薄弱的
Judy understands algebra well but I have only a flimsy grasp
of the subject.
frail adj 虚弱的(<->robust)
To be an astronaut,you must be in robust health.It is not an
occupation for a frail person.
Chivalry includes bravery ,loyalty,honor,courtesy,
repect for woman,protection of the weak,and generosity.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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