English 版 (精华区)
发信人: chivalry (老高·仓仁忆梦), 信区: English
标 题: 老高手抄-有关Strength“强壮”的词群
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月21日19:52:03 星期一), 站内信件
from <<vocabulary>>
bulwark n 堡垒;保卫
For centuries the British regarded their navy as their principal
bulwark against invasion.
citadel n 城堡;要塞
The fortified city of Singapore was once considered unconquerable.
In 1942,however,this citadel fell to the Japanese.
forte n 专长;长处
I am better than Jack in English but not in math;that is his
vigor n 精力;活力
The robust young pitch performed with his usual vigor for seven
innings,but he weakened in the eighth and was removed from the
invigorate vt 增添活力
If you feel enervated by the heat ,try a swim in the cool ocean.
It will invigorate you.
cogent adj 强而有力的
Excuses for not handing work in on time vary.Some are flimsy,as,
for example,"I left it at home."Others are more cogent,such as a
physician's note.
dynamic adj 精力充沛的;有力的
If you elect Jessica,you may be sure she will present our views
forcefully and energetically.She is a very dynamic speaker.
formidable adj 难以应付的
Our hopes for an easy victory sank when our opponents took the
field.They were much taller and huskier,and they looked formidable.
impregnable adj 不可攻破的;坚固的
Before World War,the French regarded their Maginot Line as an
impregnable bulwark against a German invasion.
robust adj 强壮的(<->frail,feeble)
The lifeguard was in excellent physical condition.I had never seen
anyone more robust.
tenacious adj 紧咬不放的;固执的
After the dog got the ball,I tried to dislodge it from her tenacious
jaws,but I coundn't.
vehement adj 激烈的
Your protest was too mild.If it had been more vehement,the
dealer might have paid attention to it.
Chivalry includes bravery ,loyalty,honor,courtesy,
repect for woman,protection of the weak,and generosity.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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