English 版 (精华区)
发信人: nova (晃来晃去的鱼儿), 信区: English
标 题: Step by step for GRE words(5)
发信站: 大红花的国度 (Tue Jun 27 19:37:02 2000), 转信
addendum N. addition;appendix to book
Jane's eidtor approved her new comparative literature text but
thought it would be even better with an addendum on recent
developments in literary criticism.
addiction N. compulsive,habitual need
Her addiction to drugs caused her friends much grief.
addle V. muddle;drive crazy;become rotten
This idiotic plan is confusing enough to addle anyone.
address V. direct a speech to;deal with or discuss
Due to address the convention in July,Brown planned to address
the issue of low-income housing in his speech.
adept ADJ. expert at
She was adept at the fine art of irritating people.
adhere V. stick fast
I will adhere to this opinion until the proof that I am wrong is
adherent N. supporter;follower
In the wake of the scandal,the senator's one-time adherents
quietly deserted him.
adjacent ADJ. adjoining;neighboring;close by
Philip's best friend Jason lived only four houses down the block,
near but not immediately adjacent.
adjunct V. something(generally nonessential or inferior)added on
or attached
Although I don't absolutely need a second computer,I plan to buy
a laptop to serve as an adjunct to my desktop model.
adjuration N. solemn urging
Her adjuration to tell the truth did not change the witnesses'
adjutant N. staff officer assisting the commander;assistant
Though Wellington delegated many tasks to his chief adjutant,
the adjutant was in no doubt as to who made all major decisions.
admonish V. warn;reprove
He admonished his listeners to change their wicked ways.
adorn V. decorate
Wall paintings and carved statues adorned the temple.
adroit ADJ. skillful
Her adroit handling of the delicate situation pleased her
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