English 版 (精华区)
发信人: nova (晃来晃去的鱼儿), 信区: English
标 题: Step by Step for GRE Words(22)
发信站: 大红花的国度 (Tue Jun 27 19:43:27 2000), 转信
assay V. analyze;evaluate
When they assayed the ore,they found they had discovered a very
rich vein.
assent V. agree;accept
It gives me great pleasure to assent to your request.
assert V. state strongly or positively;insist on or demand
recognition of (rights,claims,ect.)
When Jill asserted that nobody else in the junior class had such
an early curfew,her parents asserted themselves,telling her that if she
didn't get home by nine o'clock she would be grounded for the week.
assessment N. estimation;appraisal
I would like to have your assessment of the situation in
South Africa.
assiduous AJ. diligent
It took Rembrandt weeks of assiduous labor before he was
satisfied with his portrait of his son.
assimilate V. absorb;cause to become homogenous
The manner in which the United States was able to assimilate
the borders of immigrants during the nineteenth and early part of the
twentieth centuries will always be a source of pride.
assuage V. ease or lessen(paint);satisfy(hunger);soothe(anger)
Jilted by Jane,Dick tried to assuage his headache by indulging
in ice cream.One gallon later,he had assuaged his appetite but not his grief
assumption N. something taken for granted;the taking over or taking
possession of
The young princess made the foolish assumption that the regent
would not object to her assumption of power.
assurance N. promise or pledge;certainty;self-confidence
When Guthrie gave Guinness his assurance that rehearsals were
going well,he spoke with such assurance that Guinness was convinced.
asteroid N. small planet
Asteroids have become common place to the readers of
interstellar travel storise in science fiction magzines.
astigmatism N. eye defect that prevents proper focus
As soon as his parents discovered that the boy suffered from
astigmatism,they took him to the optometrist for corrective glasses.
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