English 版 (精华区)
发信人: nova (晃来晃去的鱼儿), 信区: English
标 题: Step by Step for GRE Words(33)
发信站: 大红花的国度 (Tue Jun 27 19:45:40 2000), 转信
billowing AJ. swelling out in waves;surging
Standing over the air vent,Marilyn Monroe tried vainly to control
her billowing skirts.
bivouac N. temporary encampment
While in bivouac,we spent the night in our sleeping bags under
the stars.
bizarre AJ. fantastic;violently contrasting
The plot of the novel was too bizarre to be believed.
blanch V. bleach;whiten
Although age had blanched his hair,he was still vigorous and
bland AJ. soothing or mild;agreeable
Jill tried a bland onimtment for her sunburn.However,when Jack
absent-mindedly patted her on the sunburned shoulder,she couldn't maintain
her bland persona.
blandishment N. flattery
Despite the salesperson's blandishments,the customer did not
buy the outfit.
blare V. loud,harsh roar or screech;dazzling blaze of light
I don't know which is worse:the steady blare of a boom box
defeaning your ears or a sudden blare of flashbulbs dazzling your eyes.
blase AJ. bored with pleasure or dissipation
Although Beth was as thrilled with the idea of a trip to Paris
as her classmates were,she tried to act supercool and blase,as if she'd been
abroad hundreds of times.
blasphemy N. irreverance;sacrilege;cursing
In my father's house,the Dodgers were the holiest of holies;to
cheer for another team was to utter words of blasphemy.
blatant AJ. extremely obvious;loudly offensive
Caught in a blatant lie,the scoundrel had only one regret:he
wished that he had lied more subtly.
bleak AJ. cold or cheerless;unlikely to be favorable
The frigid,inhospitable Aleutian Islands are bleak military
outposts.It's no wonder that soliders assigned there have a bleak attitude
toward their posting.
blighted AJ. suffering from a disease;destroyed
The extent of the blighted areas could be seen only when viewed
from the air.
Look for a rainbow, in every storm,
fly like an angel, heaven sent to my love!
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