English 版 (精华区)
发信人: nova (晃来晃去的鱼儿), 信区: English
标 题: Step by Step for GRE Words(43)
发信站: 大红花的国度 (Tue Jun 27 19:48:58 2000), 转信
categorical AJ. without exceptions;unqualified;absolute
Though the captain claimed he was never,never sick at sea,he
finally qualified his categorical denial:he was "hardly ever"
sick at sea.
catharsis N. purging or cleansing of any passage of the body
Aristotle maintained that tragedy created a catharsis by
purging the soul of base concepts.
cathartic N. purgative
Some drugs act as laxatives when taken in small doses but act
as cathartics when taken in much larger doses.
catholic AJ. universal;wide-ranging liberal
He was extremely catholic in his taste and read everything he
could find in the library.
caulk V. to make watertight(by plugging seams)
When water from the shower leaked into the basement;we knew it
was time to caulk the tiles at the edges of the shower stall.
causal AJ. implying a cause-and-effect relationship
The psychologist maintained there was a causal realtionship
between the nature of one's early childhood experiences and
one's adultpersonality.
cavalcade N. procession;parade
As described by Chaucer,the cavalcade of Canterbury pilgrims
was a motley group.
cavalier AJ. casual and offhand;arrogant
Sensitive about having her ideas taken lightly,Marcia felt
insulted by Mark's cavalier dismissal of her suggestion.
cavil V. make frivolous objections
I respect your sensible criticisms,but I dislike the way you
cavil about unimportant details.
celerity AJ. speed;rapidity
Hamlet resented his mother's celerity in remarrying within
a month after his father's death.
celestial AJ. heavenly
She spoke of the celestial joys that awaited virtuous souls
in the hereafter.
censor V. overseer of morals;person who eliminates inappropirate
Soldires dislike having their mail read by a censor but
understand the need for this precaution.
censorious AJ. critical
Censorious people delight in casting blame.
censure V. blame;criticize
The senator was censured for behavior inappropriate to a
member of Congress.
centrifugal AJ. radiating;departing from the center
Many automatic drying machines remove excess moisture from
clothing by centrifugal force.
Look for a rainbow, in every storm,
fly like an angel, heaven sent to my love!
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