English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Vicissitudes (命运), 信区: English
标 题: A Piece everyday
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年07月04日17:52:53 星期四), 站内信件
Privacy fear over ID plans
Alan Travis
Thursday July 4, 2002
The Guardian
Plans for a national population register of everybody lawfully resident in B
ritain as part of a "universal identity card scheme" were unveiled yesterday
The "high-quality common population register" - which could cost up to £3bn
to set up and run - will hold "core data" including the employment status o
f every UK resident who will be assigned a "unique personal number that coul
d be used across the public sector".
The idea, which has the backing of the home secretary, David Blunkett, immed
iately stirred "very deep anxieties" among backbench Labour MPs over the pri
vacy implications of such a powerful government database. Such national regi
sters of the population have only been thought necessary previously as a tem
porary wartime measure, with the first one introduced in 1915 to aid militar
y conscription.
Mr Blunkett yesterday tried to reassure Labour MPs that personal data would
only be transferred to other government agencies "for very specific purposes
" and only with the consent of the individual.
But if the privacy implications of the scheme did not immediately disturb al
l MPs, the costs and charges detailed in the small print of the Home Office
consultation paper published yesterday are likely to set the alarm bells rin
Mr Blunkett made clear that he has not won the agreement of the Treasury to
promise any new funds to underwrite the scheme. The Home Office consultation
paper makes clear that the need for it to be self-financing could increase
the charges for passport and driving licences - on which it will be based -
by up to £19.
The consultation paper envisages a scheme whereby the 51 million people in B
ritain over the age 16 would be registered on the database and issued with t
heir own "entitlement card" which would give them access to social security
benefits, health and education and other services.
The idea is to expand the existing photocard driving licence and the forthco
ming passport card into an entitlement card as well. Those without driving l
icences or passports would be issued with a cheaper entitlement card only. T
he estimated costs of the setting up the scheme and running it for the first
10 years vary between £1.3bn and £3.1bn depending on whether a simple pla
stic card, a simple smartcard (with a digitised photograph), or a sophistica
ted smartcard (with a digitised fingerprint and iris imprint) is used.
The Home Office admitted yesterday these estimates were "cautious" and did n
ot include the costs of installing thousands of machines to scan or "read" t
he new cards in public services around the country.
The home secretary insisted yesterday that his "universal entitlement card s
cheme" was not a compulsory measure because the police are not to be given a
ny new power to demand that people produce their card in the street. "Any sc
heme eventually approved would not entail police officers or other officials
, stopping people in the street to demand their card," said Mr Blunkett.
Instead "everyone would register for and would be issued with a card, requir
ed for the purpose of gaining access to services or employment. Crucially th
e entitlement card could help us tackle illegal working, which undermines th
e minimum wage and the rights and conditions of the lowest paid," he said.
When ministers were challenged on whether some services, such as the acciden
t and emergency department of a hospital, would not be available to those wi
thout the entitlement card, they said such details had not yet been worked o
Officially, the government is remaining neutral on the question of identity
cards and while the Home Office document outlines the benefits in tackling i
llegal working and social security benefit fraud, it also points out that mi
ght raise concerns that the "card scheme might allow the government to link
together all of the information held on individuals" and acknowledges that i
f the new cards were not secure, the scheme itself could become a source of
identity fraud.
In the Commons, the Liberal Democrats' Simon Hughes claimed the identity car
d would divisive as it would be mainly needed by the "unfortunate many" to c
laim welfare benefits.
The shadow home secretary, Oliver Letwin, said the national population regis
ter would engender "real and widespread scepticism and anxiety".
Fiona Mactaggart, the Labour MP for Slough, told Mr Blunkett there was "very
deep anxiety about the privacy implications of data sharing and carrying da
ta about yourself on your card".
I do not believe vicissitudes.
Then, who am I?
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: 天外飞仙]
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