English 版 (精华区)
发信人: app (飞越迷雾), 信区: English
标 题: Western Manners(5)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Thu Dec 2 16:40:55 1999) WWW-POST
V. To Gentlemen
Always take your hat off when you enter a house, church, theater, lecture
hall, dining hall, or classroom, and leave it off.
In a hotel or apartment elevator you take off your hat if there is a lady
present, but in a subway, office-building, or store elevator you do not. If
stop to speak with a lady, you remove your hat and hold it while talking with
Always allow the lady to precede you in places where one has to go before
the other except in the following cases; A, when getting off a street car,
train, bus, or out of an automobile. B, when going upstairs; C, when going
down the aisle of a theater when there is no usher; D, when finding a table
in a restaurant when not conducted by a waiter. In all other situations you
must follow the lady.
When you are walking along the street with a lady, always walk on the
outside, that is, the curb side of the side walk. WHen it is necessary to
change from one side to the other, always pass behind the lady.
On entering a room or building, always hold the door open for a woman, a
superior, or an elderly person and allow the person to precede you through
door. This is done wven though the person is a complete strager.
If you wish to dance with a certain lady, go to her, bow, and say:" May I
have the pleasure of a dance?" If it is a formal dance with prgrams, she will
tell you which dance she will have with you.
If there are no programs she will either rise and dance with you, or she
may say, " I have this dance taken," or she may say, "I'm sorry, I am not
dancing this dance." This may be a polite way of saying that she does not
to dance with you, or it may be that she is tired and wants to rest; you will
have to judge which it is by her attitude.
At the end of a dance, thank your partnet, but do not leave her until you
have conducted her to a seat. Then, if you wish, you may excuse yourself, and
go in search of your next partner. If you cannot dance very well, it is
permissible to ask a lady if she is willing to "sit out" a dance with you.
If you accompany a lady to the dance, after she has put her wraps in the
cloakroom, you should take her first to greet to the hostess, then dance the
first dance with her. And finaly, dance the last dance with her and take her
to say good-bye to your hostess before you take her home.
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※ 来源:·紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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