English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (Queen Victoria Died), 信区: English
标 题: The Anglo Saxons--ETHELRED II 'THE UNREADY'
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月06日18:14:06 星期天), 站内信件
ETHELRED II 'THE UNREADY' (r. 979-1013 and 1014-1016)
Ethelred, the younger son of Edgar, became king at the age of seven followin
g the murder of his half-brother Edward II in 978 at Corfe Castle, Dorset, b
y Edward's own supporters.
For the rest of Ethelred's rule (reigned 978-1016), his brother became a pos
thumous rallying point for political unrest; a hostile Church transformed Ed
ward into a royal martyr. Known as the Un-raed or 'Unready' (meaning 'no cou
nsel', or that he was unwise), Ethelred failed to win or retain the allegian
ce of many of his subjects. In 1002, he ordered the massacre of all Danes in
England to eliminate potential treachery.
Not being an able soldier, Ethelred defended the country against increasingl
y rapacious Viking raids from the 980s onwards by diplomatic alliance with t
he duke of Normandy in 991 (he later married the duke's daughter Emma) and b
y buying off renewed attacks by the Danes with money levied through a tax ca
lled the Danegeld. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in 1006 was dismissive: 'in spi
te of it all, the Danish army went about as it pleased'. By 1012, 48,000 pou
nds of silver was being paid in Danegeld to Danes camped in London.
In 1013, Ethelred fled to Normandy when the powerful Viking Sweyn of Denmark
dispossessed him. Ethelred returned to rule after Sweyn's death in 1014, bu
t died himself in 1016.
I am looking outside into the rain
through the blurred window, in front
of which you seem to be there.
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