English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (Matrix Analysis), 信区: English
标 题: Re: valentine' day的来历(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年02月14日21:11:07 星期五), 站内信件
【 在 Systems (Matrix Analysis) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: valentine' day的来历(转载)
: 发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年02月14日19:14:18 星期五), 站内信件
: 【 以下文字转载自 Wisdom 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 catdog 所发表 】
: 情人节来历
A History of St. Valentine's Day
: 情人节又到了,空气中好象也弥漫着浪漫的气息。为了使这浪漫节日更融入一点文
: 化情调,没少费心思收集有关情人节的知识与趣闻。不想这一番收集,光情人节的来历
: 倒出现了四个版本。所兴一起呈上,为大家祝个兴。请笑纳吧。
St. Valentine's Day comes again on the time of which it's as if rommance was
being sprinkled into the air. Here are four versions of stories about where
this festival is from for your happiness.
: 版本一:Valentine'sday是情人节在英语里的叫法。从字面上来看,很难看出中西
: 方叫法之间有什么联系。这里面隐藏着一个动人的故事。
Story One: St. Valentine's Day is the English name for so-called 'lovers' day'.
However, it's hard to see verbally the link between its western name and
corresponding eastern counterpart. In fact, a moving story is behind the
: 大约在公元三世纪的罗马,那时恺撒已经死去快三百年了,暴君Claudius当政。当
: 时,罗马内外战争频仍,民不聊生。为了补足兵员,将战争进行到底,Claudius下令,
: 凡是一定年龄范围内的男子,都必须进入罗马军队,以生命为国家效劳。自此,丈夫离
: 开妻子,少年离开恋人。于是整个罗马便被笼罩在绵长的相思中。对此,暴君大为恼火
: 。为了达到自己的目的,他竟然下令禁止国人举行结婚典礼,甚至要求已经结婚的毁掉
: 婚约。
It could be retrospected to Roman Empire in the 3rd Century, when Julis Ceaser
had been dead for nearly 300 years and Claudius II was on the throne who was
a tyrant. Because of frequent civial and foreign wars, the people were in
desparate destitution. In order to keep the number of soldiers in the army,
Claudius issued an Act that required men in a certain range of ages had to
do military service, which consequently caused separations between lovers
and couples who were missing each other very much. This made Claudius II
furious. Hence, a further act was taken into action subsequently that
any marriage was prohibited, even those married had to devoice.
: 然而,暴政禁止不了爱情。就在暴君的国都里,居住着一位德高望重的修士,他就
: 是Valentine,我们的主人公。他不忍看到一对对伴侣就这样生离死别,于是为前来请求
: 帮助的情侣秘密地主持上帝的结婚典礼。一时间,这一令人振奋的消息在整个国度传开
: ,更多的情侣秘密地赶来请求修士的帮助。
However, love can never be banned by tyranny. Our hero, Valentine, was a
priest in Rome with high reputation. His kindness and sympathy did not allow
hime to let such a cruel situation continue. He therefore continued being in
charge of wedding ceremonies for lovers who asked for his help in secret. News
was spread out and more came to him.
: 但是,事情很快还是被暴君知晓了,于是他再一次显示了残暴面目——将修士打进
: 大牢,最终折磨致死。修士死的那一天是2月14日,公元270年的2月14日。
Claudius II got to know about this very quickly and a cruel action was taken.
Valentine was put into jail and finally died there. The date of his death was
the 14th February, 270 A. D.
: 人们为了纪念这个敢于与暴君斗争的人,渐渐地使得2月14日成为一个节日。很
: 多世纪过去了,人们再也记不得Claudius的大名,再也记不得他的权杖与宝剑,但依然
: 会纪念Valentine修士,因为那个日子是Valentine'sday,是情人节。
In memory of Valentine, the hero fighting against the tyranny, the 14th
Februray came into a festival step by step. hundreds of years have passed,
neither Claudius nor his stick and sword but priest Valentine was kept in mind
by people, since that day was named after him--St. Valentine's Day--for
: 版本二:在古罗马时期,2月14日是为表示对约娜的尊敬而设的节日。约娜是罗
: 马众神的皇后,罗马人同时将她尊奉为妇女和婚姻之神。接下来的2月15日则被“卢
: 帕撒拉节”,是用来对约娜治下的其他众神表示尊敬的节日。
Story Two: In ancient Roman Empire, the 14th Februray was deadicated to Juno,
who is the Goddess of gods in Roman mythology and honoured on the title of
goddess of women and marriage. The following day, the 15th Februray is ???
Festival used to express respect gods charged by Juno.
: 在古罗马,年轻人和少女的生活是被严格分开的。然而,在卢帕撒拉节,小伙子们
: 可以选择一个自己心爱的姑娘的名字刻在花瓶上。这样,过节的时候,小伙子就可以与
: 自己选择的姑娘一起跳舞,庆祝节日。如果被选中的姑娘也对小伙子有意的话,他们便
: 可一直配对,而且最终他们会坠入爱河并一起步入教堂结婚。后人为此而将每年的2月
: 14日定为情人节。
In ancient Roman Empire, young mand and young women were separated strictly.
However, on ??? Festival, a young an could sculpt a girl's name whom he loved
onto the surface of a jar. So, he could dance with that girl in the festival.
If she liked him as well, the could make a match, fall into love and get
married eventually. Therefore, descendant made the 14th Februray as 'lovers'
: 版本三:定于每年的2月14日,相传其起源是,古罗马青年基督教传教士圣瓦伦
: 丁,冒险传播基督教义,被捕入狱,感动了老狱吏和他双目失明的女儿,得到了他们悉
: 心照料。临刑前圣瓦伦丁给姑娘写了封信,表明了对姑娘的深情。在他被处死的当天,
: 盲女在他墓前种了一棵开红花的杏树,以寄托自己的情思。这一天就是2月14日。
Story Three: Why lovers' day was ruled on the 14th Februray was because there
was a young priest named Valentine in ancient Roman Empire was put into jail
since he secretly taught people doctrines of Jesus Christ. During this course
an old jailor and his blind daughter were moved who looked after Valentine
carefully. Before his execution, Valentine wrote to the girl to express his
loe to her. One the day of his death, the blind girl planted a tree with read
flowers growing on it in front of his grave. This day is the 14th Februray.
: 版本四:一本英语辞典上注释说,范泰伦节(情人节)2月14日,据说鸟在那天
: 开始相尾。
Story Four: There is a comment on an English dictionary saying on St.
Valentine's Day (the 14th Februray), birds begin to match each other.
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