English 版 (精华区)
发信人: oceann (dany), 信区: English
标 题: Top Ten Movies Went Down in History(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Aug 9 15:15:50 2003)
More proof that film critics, moviegoers often disagree
“Citizen Kane,“ the Orson Welles classic tale of ambition, greed, and lo
neliness that tops many critics’ best-film lists, lost out to director Franci
s Ford Coppola’s mafia epic, “The Godfather,“ in a new survey by Zagat Surv
ey LLC. Better known as a New York-based publisher of restaurant guides, the c
ompany asked more than 5,000 avid moviegoers
- not necessarily critics - to rate 1,000 films. The top 10 favorites,
with the year each was released:
1. “The Godfather,“ 1972
2. “Casablanca,“ 1942
3. “Star Wars,“ 1977
4. “Gone with the Wind,“ 1939
5. “The Shawshank Redemption,“ 1994
6. “Braveheart,“ 1995
7. “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,“ 2001
8. “Citizen Kane,“ 1941
9. “The Godfather: Part II,“ 1974
10. “Raiders of the Lost Ark,“ 1981
- Reuters
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