English 版 (精华区)
作 家: tanzhongqing (潇湘夜雨) on board 'English'
题 目: University Joke 3
来 源: 哈尔滨紫丁香站
日 期: Fri Sep 26 18:16:05 1997
出 处: flyingbird.bbs@melon.gznet.edu.cn
寄信人: lights.bbs@captain.net.tsinghua.edu.cn
标 题: University Joke 3 (fwd)
发信站: 华南理工大学 BBS木棉站
日 期: Mon Sep 30 12:52:56 1996
*** Forwarded file follows ***
发信人: Hmmm (做沉吟状...), 信区: Joke
标 题: University Joke 3
日 期: Sat Sep 28 22:01:24 1996
To: ben@rabbit.ee.tsinghua.edu.cn
From: jfan@macromedia.com (James Junmin Fan)
Subject: FWD> HUM- Dave Barry on Col #2
Status: RO
>> > After you've been in college for a year or so, you're supposed to
>> > choose a major, which is the subject you intend to memorize and
>> > forget the most things about. Here is a very important piece of
>> > advice: be sure to choose a major that does not involve Known Facts
>> > and Right Answers. This means you must not major in mathematics,
>> > physics, biology, or chemistry, because these subjects involve actual
>> > facts. If, for example, you major in mathematics, you're going to
>> > wander into class one day and the professor will say: "Define the
>> > cosine integer of the quadrant of a rhomboid binary axis, and
>> > extrapolate your result to five significant vertices." If you don't
>> > come up with exactly the answer the professor has in mind, you fail.
>> > The same is true of chemistry: if you write in your exam book that
>> > carbon and hydrogen combine to form oak, your professor will flunk
>> > you. He wants you to come up with the same answer he and all the
>> > other chemists have agreed on.
>> >
>> > Scientists are extremely snotty about this.
// Do I have to tell a story //
// Of a thousand rainy days //
// since we first met //
// It is a big enough umbrella //
// But it's always me that ends up //
// getting wet //
※ 来源:·哈尔滨紫丁香站 bbs1.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: flyingbird.bbs@melon]
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