English 版 (精华区)
发信人: air (君), 信区: English
标 题: [转载] airline
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Mon May 25 19:43:24 1998), 转信
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
【 原文由 ps 所发表 】
I WAS WORKING at our airline's ticket counter when a man came up
and asked for a seat on one of our flights. "The fare will be $237," I told
him. "That's two dollars more than I was quoted over the phone," he
protested. I explained that the extra cost was a fuel service charge. "Oh,
great," he said. "Now we have to pitch in for gas too!"
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Carla Cristofori
AFTER 20 YEARS AS A PILOT, I became an airport manager and soon
found the stress was getting to me. I needed a release and wanted to buy a
motorcycle, but my family thought it was too dangerous. My wife said,
"Why don't you start flying again?" The next day, as I showed a
businessman around the airport, he looked longingly at the planes. "I used
to take flying lessons, but my wife made me quit," he lamented. "She said it
was dangerous." "Tell her you want to get a motorcycle," I advised. My
new-found friend has now earned his pilot's license.
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Kenneth F. Wiegand
AS flight attendants, my partner and I are asked all sorts of questions.
Once, shortly after takeoff, a passenger asked how much it would cost to
use the airphone. "It's $2.50 for the first minute," my partner replied, "and
$2 for every minute thereafter." "You don't understand," said the
passenger. "This is a local call."
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Norma Garcia
WHEN MY DAUGHTER was working for an airline, she received a call
from a young man inquiring about the cost of flights from San Francisco to
Hawaii. Kristina gave him the information and asked if he would like to
book a flight. He hesitated a second and then said, "Thanks, but I think I'll
check Amtrak first."
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Ray Gosselin
EN ROUTE TO Atlanta, the plane my husband was piloting made a stop
in a small town, dropped off passengers and began taxiing back out to the
runway. Just then a flight attendant notified my husband that a man had
fallen asleep and missed his stop. To save time, the crew decided to let him
exit down the rear stairs, where ground transportation would be waiting to
take him back to the terminal. The other passengers watched nervously as
their pilot left the cockpit to speak with a man who was clutching a
suspiciously large briefcase. As my husband opened the rear door and let
the man out, he could feel all eyes focused on him. He slammed the door
shut, brushed his hands together briskly and said, "There! Any more
complaints about the food, see me!" The passengers roared with delight.
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Nanette L. McClelland
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