English 版 (精华区)
发信人: air (君), 信区: English
标 题: [转载] airline
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Mon May 25 19:43:32 1998), 转信
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
【 原文由 ps 所发表 】
WHEN I WAS A PILOT for a commuter airline, gusty winds buffeted our
little plane during a landing, giving the passengers a scare. Much to
everyone's relief, we touched down safely in our parking spot, where ramp
agents were anxiously waiting. Unfortunately, in their haste they neglected
to lock the mobile stairway firmly in place. It was an octogenarian who
deplaned first. With walking cane in hand, he stepped onto the stairway.
Almost simultaneously, the wind gusted to gale force, propelling the man
and stairs across the ramp toward the terminal. We watched helplessly as
they sailed over the concrete and crashed into a chain-link fence
whereupon the elderly gentleman stepped off unscathed, tipped his hat to
the bystanders and said, "Best damn service I've ever had!"
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Kenneth S. Griffith
ONE DRIZZLY MORNING before a flight, I sat in an airplane window
seat and watched a burly baggage handler briskly throw luggage from a
truck onto a conveyor belt leading to the plane's underside. The bags all
looked similar until he picked up a scraped, much-used suitcase. It seemed
to wilt a little as the attendant set it down. He looked at it for a moment,
and then with a gentle pat, carefully sent it on its way.
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Doris Lowery
I WAS at the airport to pick up my father, an airline pilot, and decided to
wait for him in the company's crew lounge. There, watching the summer
Olympics on TV, was an outbound crew whose flight had not yet been
called. As I came in, gymnast Mary Lou Retton was executing a 9.9 vault
over the horse. After much oohing and aahing from the male crew
members, one female flight attendant piped up, "Sure that was great but I
bet she can't pour coffee in turbulence."
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Bettina Krumm
A female airline pilot, I was amused one day by a passenger's reaction to
me. The man had boarded the aircraft and was adjusting his seat belt when
he happened to glance through the open cockpit door. His face paled and
he exclaimed to a flight attendant, "Good grief! Is that a woman up there?"
After a pause, he said quietly, "Well, I guess it's okay as long as they don't
let her touch anything."
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by D.A.B.
RETURNING FROM a business trip one rainy night, I was trying to catch
a flight from Indianapolis to Milwaukee. After a four-hour wait, our plane
finally arrived. I asked the flight attendant as we boarded if she thought
we'd make it to Milwaukee, considering the weather. "Of course we will,"
she replied. "I want to get home, have a hot bath and snuggle with my
husband." "That's not going to get us to Milwaukee," I said. "Yes, it will,"
the attendant countered. "My husband's the pilot."
--Contributed to "All In a Day's Work" by Gardner H. Wade
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