English 版 (精华区)
发信人: Joey (Joey), 信区: English
标 题: 英语文章,大家指教。
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Jul 5 13:44:21 2003)
23.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is bet
ter not to tell the truth.
Like we should obey the law, we also need to follow some rules in our social l
ives, not to telling a lie is among them. However, the controversy surfaced a
few months ago when I told my best friend, Joey, his girlfriend betrayed him,
and he was really hurt.
Actually, many people have the impression that things became even worse when t
he truth was uncovered. Personally, part of the answer account for this situat
ion is that the truth cannot always exactly be the things we want to hear abou
t, in fact, like what I told Joey, they can totally be some bad news and bring
us various negative effects. It is obvious that Joey would be surrounded by t
he depressing atmosphere for quite a long time because of knowing the truth. U
ntil now, probably we all have made a sense that telling the truth may not be
our best choice, at least on some special occasions. So, more discretion is in
However, on the other hand, I keep asking myself the question that “Is it rig
ht for me to keep the secret from Joey?” eventually, I guess the answer will
be no, because in my mind any kinds of deceptions between my friend and I are
not acceptable. Therefore, there exists a necessary for us to make things more
flexible, namely, try to uncover the bad news in a rather smooth way. For me,
instead of telling Joey the truth immediately, maybe I should use a couple of
days, by giving Joey some allusions, so as to get him more prepared for this
sudden attack.
The bad news is in some way just like the floods, we can never dam up them, th
e best way for us to protect our lives and properties is releasing the water i
n a precision quantity and directing it in a desired way. Actually, it is not
difficult for us to imagine how terrible the situation would be if Joey had fo
und that I was intent to cover the truth from him. I am sure he would feel muc
h worse since not only his girlfriend but also his best friend was trying to c
heat him. In conclusion, based on my experience, we’d better not to cover the
truth from other people for a long time, the only problem we should concern a
bout appear to be in what way we can tell the bad truth to other people on the
ir behalf, and at meanwhile, try to constraint the negative effectives in a re
latively small area.
All in all, life is nothing but an art. The more you practice it, the better y
ou can handle these situations.
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