English 版 (精华区)
发信人: nike (ad), 信区: English
标 题: About TOFEL
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2000年05月29日13:22:51 星期一), 站内信件
The full name of TOEFL is the Test Of English as a Foreign Language.
It is used to testify your basic capability of English, including
listening comprehension, verbal capability, reading ability, writing
ability if you also take the TWE(Test of Written English, administrated
at the same time when you are taking TOEFL). Your oral ability can also
be demonstrated if you take the TSE. (Test of Spoken English). It is
necessary that you take it if you want to study aboard, either as an
undergraduate or a graduate student. A good score will help you get a
Teaching Assistantship position.
BEC (not 'BER') is the abbreviation of the test of Business English
Certificate. Nowadays it can be used as a formal cetificate while you are
seeking a position in business affairs, especially Foreign Investment
campanies. It is held by England, rather than the United States. So you
should be aware of the differences between American and British English.
Graduate Record Examination is the full name for GRE. There are two kinds
of GRE tests: Subject and General. The General test is a requirement if
you want to study abroad as a graduate student. I would like to mention
that the score is effective within 5 years. Your previously taken score
will be on your new score report if you take it for the second time. So
you should think twice whether you are prepared for the test or not before
you take it.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: lichengyu.hit.ed.cn]
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