LilacPark 版 (精华区)
发信人: Christy (风中的绿叶), 信区: LilacPark
标 题: Power and Violence
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年07月27日00:29:56 星期五), 站内信件
Power and Violence
By T C Farrell
It is apparently easy to link power with violence
since most of people believe that the base of power
is supplied by violence, in another words, power is
built up and maintained by holding the capability,
existing or potential, of utilising violence. However,
a fundamental cause that people always forget is that
the source of power is from the fact of financial
control, which, essentially, is to be used to unveil
the relationship between power and violence.
To illustrate this point, the first job is to offer
the definitions of the above two in terms of philosophy.
Despite of those already existing ones given by hundreds
of scholars, I would consider them in general, hence
POWER is the ability to control material and spiritual
events, which, in itself, is a type of spiritual production
legitimately authorised by a certain group of people
due to natural or societal need--fundamentally economic
requirements. Consequently, in terms of power, VIOLENCE
is defined as the most fundamental way to aid the foundation
of power and to ensure the continuity of power. Note that
in this essay, the limitation--in terms of power-is retained,
otherwise the utilisation of violence will fall into
Given definitions ditto, the built-up of power is from
the control of economy, individually or by a group.
Because the basic characteristics of human beings are
sex and selfishness, the latter is strongly functional
in the process of pursuing materials. Therefore, in and
from the primitive society, e. g., in the Old Stone Age,
distribution becomes unequal accompanying the development
of productivity that produces the inequality in terms of
societal ranks, which eventually produces the requirement
and the fact of the occurrence of power. Inversely, power,
once formed, is biased, and hence to be used to protect
the certain group from offending, i. e., loosing their
privilege in economy. As a whole, this process is spiral
and consistent providing the pros gained from economy is
beyond the cons, and note that violence is always used in
this process, as presented above, to offer all sorts of
possible supports for economic improvements.
The interesting issue is why and how power is converted
from one to another, and how functional violence is that
is involved in this stage. It is widely admitted that
power held by one group fails to cope with events, given
that the utilisation of power is so abused that economy
is under destruction, which in turn, is resulted because
firstly, power used to enhance economy is incorrect and
next, conflicts inside the group due to further uneven
financial distribution are existing. Again, functions
of violence are revealed from the facts that people,
inside or outside the group, are able to grasp and utilise
violence for the sake of the dissatisfaction with the
economic situation--put directly, with the inequality
of distribution. They are finally successful because
the economy has been out of control under the execution
of power of the previous group. Therefore, a new group
gains power and a new circulation gets started. A point
needed to be referred to is that more frequently, internal
disassociation is more severe than external.
Spontaneously, from the definition of power, spiritual
matters are also controlled, so violence is involved into
this term, too. Generally speaking, if ideology is used
in the way to express spiritual matters, violence in this
term is, at least, as rigid as that in material term. It
shows itself in propaganda and control of societal ideology,
and the most severe case is so called "unifying thoughts"
that, essentially, is the dictatorship in ideology. Note
that all is served for economic reasons.
In conclusion, power is stemmed from the improvements of
economy; violence is the most fundamental, valid and useful
method of building, maintaining and destroying power.
Furthermore, both of them are necessary till the foundation
of absolute quality for individuals in a society in terms
of economy, which is the Utopia.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM: 天外飞仙]
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