LilacPark 版 (精华区)
发信人: dyhit (我就是个疯子), 信区: LilacPark
标 题: About love
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Jul 10 22:34:05 2002) , 转信
About Love
It's a simple story. I heard it from my father. It's about my grandpa, who I n
ever meet in person---nor in a photo for he never took a photo in his life.
He died in my father's early childhood (when my pa was about 2 or 3 years old)
. I'm not sure whether my father remembers his face or not. He's real peasant,
never have any good money, sheerly unliterated with no means to know what is
In his short sojourn in this world, he'd never parted from the gloomy village.
He learned haircutting for other villagers and that might be the only profess
ion besides field work.
How was his temper? Nobody knows now. But considering the 9 hungry children to
feed, nobody can blame too much in this peasant.
His wife, my grandma, could never be connected with such words like "elegant",
"beautiful" or "intelligent". She was a kind granny who could made fine rice
wine, a silent woman with crinkly skin, as my mother said. She saw grandma in
late 70s. Soon she died.
The husband, starved to death in the famous famine in the 60s. But none of his
9 children or his wife died in the food shortage days. He just refused to eat
, leave all the family’s got to the kids and the wife.
He never know the world much, nor the word "Love","爱", a word never in his vo
But I always take him as something as a GOD, a HERO, a LEGEND, a MYTH, as well
as a real peasant. In my worst times, he did help in digging that sophisticat
ed and hard meaning of this life.
That's all about this family, and all I have to tell my offspring in time to c
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
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