LilacPark 版 (精华区)
发信人: Systems (Robust Control), 信区: LilacPark
标 题: Let It Be?
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年12月03日14:44:19 星期二), 站内信件
Let It Be?
From time to time, my ears are frequently filled with the name of Beatles, w
hich, indeed, I had never listened to until three days ago.
At that moment, I might have been absorbed in a sort of desperate sadness. I
did not know why, and the only thing I could do is downloading this song, l
istening to it over and again, hence completely indulging into it for the wh
ole night.
Sometimes I can not keep imagining if there is a reflection of any processes
onto results. If I strive for some outcomes, then later lose them, do I rea
lly feel disappointed? The answer may be 'yes'. However, people always argue
that a process is the most important, and whatever a result comes out, you
will not feel sad because you have deeply get into it and at least, some exp
eriences have been gained. Nonetheless, I do not think it is, or at least sh
ould be, true for me. If I have tried hard, reasonably, I should something b
ack from it. Experience is one thing, but not all-maybe it will be the all f
or the future, but definitely not for the moment. Indeed, how many moments a
ltogether do you have in your life? But there is certainly a balance, or par
adox in another word, that it is a cross-related function between what I hav
e gained and what I have tried to gain, but lost. The process of gaining, lo
sing as well as realising the fact is cross-related.
If I consider this matter in terms of mathematics, I'd like to think about h
ow to achieve an optimal point or strategy, on which I can pay the least and
gain the most. However, it is just a stupid dream, in which I formularise t
he life, like a machine. But how can you guarantee you are not a screw in th
e steel-like world? How can you ensure that you could separate your special
characteristic out from it? Hence how can you achieve eventually what you wa
To melt or to be melted, this is the problem. You probably do not need to ta
ke this kind of thing into account all the time, maybe in your whole life, h
owever, I do, at every moment. It is nothing to do with noble philosophy, bu
t just a piece of belief that could or could not survive in such a dirty wor
Let it be? No, hang on, let me think about it.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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