Movie 版 (精华区)
发信人: leonado (混沌中黑鸟深邃的忧郁), 信区: Movie
标 题: 一部讲西藏问题的片子
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年03月06日14:33:35 星期三), 转信
Kundun (1997)
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Writing credits (WGA) Melissa Mathison (written by)
Plot Summary:The Tibetans refer to the Dalai Lama as 'Kundun', which means '
The Presence'. In 1937, in a remote area of Tibet close to the Chinese bord
er, a two year old child is identified as the reincarnation of the Dalai Lam
a, the compassionate Buddha. Two years later, the child is brought to Lhasa
where he is schooled as a monk and as head of state amidst the color and pag
eantry of Tibetan culture. The film follows him into adulthood: when he is 1
4, the Chinese invade Tibet and he is forced into a shaky coalition governme
nt; he travels to China to meet with a cynical Mao; and, finally, in 1959, i
ll and under siege, he flees to India. Throughout, he has visions of his peo
ple's slaughter under Chinese rule.
Cast overview:
Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong .... Dalai Lama (Adult)
Gyurme Tethong .... Dalai Lama (Aged 10)
Tulku Jamyang Kunga Tenzin .... Dalai Lama (Aged 5)
Tenzin Yeshi Paichang .... Dalai Lama (Aged 2)
Tencho Gyalpo .... Dalai Lama's Mother
Tsewang Migyur Khangsar .... Dalai Lama's Father
Geshi Yeshi Gyatso .... Lama of Sera
Sonam Phuntsok .... Reting Rimpoche
Lobsang Samten .... Master of the Kitchen
Gyatso Lukhang .... Lord Chamberlain
Jigme Tsarong .... Taktra Rimpoche
Tenzin Trinley .... Ling Rimpoche
Robert Lin (II) .... Chairman Mao
rest of cast listed alphabetically
Vyas Ananthakrishnan .... Indian Soldier
Kim Chan .... Second Chinese General
Ken Leung
Ben Wang .... General Chang Ching-Wu
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for violent images.
Runtime: 128
Country: USA
Language: English / Tibetan
Color: Color (Technicolor)
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital / SDDS
Certification: Australia:PG / Finland:K-12 / France:U / Germany:6 / Portugal
:M/12 / Singapore:PG / Sweden:11 / Switzerland:12 (canton of Geneva) / Switz
erland:12 (canton of Vaud) / UK:12 / USA:PG-13
User Comments:
joelally (
nashua, nh - usa
Date: 5 March 2001
Summary: incredibly beautiful movie
I rented Kundun to further my quest to see all the Scorsese movies I can. I
never expected such an incredible movie. I didn't want this movie to end. It
's really difficult to describe how I feel about this movie since I have onl
y viewed it once and was completely blown away, it left me in complete awe.
Like most when I first started watching Scorsese I thought that he did brill
iant gangster films and that was his thing, but I have recently discovered t
hat this couldn't be further from the truth. Fist seeing The Last Temptation
of Christ and now Kundun I wouldn't care if Scorsese ever made another gang
ster film. It is easy to see that he is an artistic genius, the acting in th
e film was great, but I could have watched it on mute and still have been am
If, like I was, you are unfamiliar with the Buddhist religion and the Chines
e takeover of Tibet this film has even more to offer. Scorsese's risk of usi
ng real Buddhists to do all of the acting payed off better than I ever expec
ted it would, the fact that we are hearing the story through the people it a
ffected adds another level to this movie.
I cannot believe that this film only has a rating of 7 on this site. If you
are a fan of Scorsese and are not sure you are going to like this just give
it a chance, it deserves at least one viewing, if you give it that I am sure
you will be amazed as I was. Scorsese's vision's in this movie are unlike a
ny of his films, not to mention a great score by Phillip Glass.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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