POPMusic 版 (精华区)
发 信 人: lixs (尘子), 信 区: music
标 题: 转贴:英语金曲(1)
发 信 站: 紫 丁 香
日 期: Thu Mar 13 19:29:36 1997
出 处: adm203.adm.neu.
发信人: dream (糊涂虫), 信区: melody
标 题: moon river
发信站: 北国开心天地 (Sun Oct 6 23:22:16 1996)
moon river
wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style someday
old dream-maker,you heartbreaker
whenever you're going,I'm going your way
two drifters,off to see the world
there's such a lot of world to see
we're after the same rainbow's end
waiting round the bend
my huckleberry friend
moon river and me
※ 来源:.北国开心天地 ndc4.ndc.neu.edu.cn.[FROM:]
※ Origin:·紫 丁 香 pclinux·[FROM: adm203.adm.neu.]
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