POPMusic 版 (精华区)
发 信 人: dxtl (Terry), 信 区: music
标 题: 哇噻! 弟兄们辛苦了 (查特热泪盈眶@_@)
发 信 站: 紫 丁 香
日 期: Sat Mar 15 19:51:10 1997
出 处: h55.hit.edu.cn
感动的泪水洒到这里, 暂时不忍擦去...
查特对着镜子, 口口, 爱多等诸多兄弟, 轻歌一曲, 以掩失态
eldewise, eldewise
every morning you greet me
small and white, clean and bright
you look happy to meet me
lots of snow makes you blooms and grow
blooms and grow forever
eldewise, eldewise
bless my homeland forever....
We study, we explore, we communicate
because we love freedom.
※ Origin:·紫 丁 香 pclinux·[FROM: h55.hit.edu.cn]
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