POPMusic 版 (精华区)
作 家: oli (逍遥客) on board 'English'
题 目: Memory
来 源: 哈尔滨紫丁香站
日 期: Fri Aug 22 13:33:55 1997
出 处: bbs@s1000e.whnet.edu.cn
发信人: xrj (西风瘦马), 信区: Pop
标 题: 老歌一则:MEMORY
发信站: 华中地区网络中心
日 期: Thu Sep 5 13:26:12 1996
出 处:
Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight the wither leaves
Collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan
All alone in the moonlight
I can _____ at the old days
Life was beautiful then
I remenber the time I new what
Happipiness was
Let the memory live again
I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes tonight will be
A memory too
And a new day will begin
. . . 2
. . . I = kX
. . .
. . .
. . .
※ Origin:.华中地区网络中心 s1000e.whnet.edu.cn.[FROM:]
※ 来源:·哈尔滨紫丁香站 bbs1.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: bbs@s1000e.whnet.edu]
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