POPMusic 版 (精华区)
作 家: oli (逍遥客) on board 'English'
题 目: Falling into you
来 源: 哈尔滨紫丁香站
日 期: Fri Aug 22 13:38:54 1997
出 处: bbs@s1000e.whnet.edu.cn
发信人: mini (明妮), 信区: Pop
标 题: Celine Dion:Falling Into You
发信站: 华中地区网络中心 (Wed Dec 25 15:59:54 1996)
Celine Dion 的嗓音浑厚悠长,也许较之Mariah Cariel的高亢细致,更为打
她那首<Power Of The Dream>(<梦的力量>)记忆犹新.
在其最新专辑<Falling Into You>中,主打歌曲<Falling Into You>
在Billboard排行榜上高居首位已达数星期.优美的曲调,加之以Celine Dion
And in your eyes I see the ribbons of colour
I see us inside of each other
I feel my unconscious merge with youus
And I heard a voice say,"what's his is hers"
I'm falling into you
This dream could come true
And it feels so good falling into you
I was afraid to let you in here
Now I have learned love can't be
made in fear
The walls begins to tumble down
And I can't even see the ground
I'm falling into you
This dream could come true
And it feels so good falling into you
Falling like a leaf,falling like a star
Finding a believe,falling where you are
Catch me,don't let me drop
Love me,don't ever stop
So close your eyes and let me kiss you
And while you sleep I'll miss you
I'm falling into you
This dream could come true
And it feels so good falling into you
Falling like a leaf,falling like a star
Finding a belief,falling where you are
Falling into you
Falling into you
Falling into you
Blue is the sky,
The wilderness wild;
Atop the mountain high,
The hawks fly.
※ 来源:.华中地区网络中心 s1000e.whnet.edu.cn.[FROM: server20.hust.e]
※ 来源:·哈尔滨紫丁香站 bbs1.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: bbs@s1000e.whnet.edu]
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