Poetry 版 (精华区)
发信人: Angell (安琪儿), 信区: Poem_ci
标 题: across the miles
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Sep 28 17:51:19 1999), 转信
发信人: buff (演音), 信区: Poetry
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Sep 27 09:11:08 1999)
Is it possible to love...............................someone you'll never see?
Why do people think that love...............must be shown sexually?
In this cyber world we have............................people come and go.
But, there are a few we meet......................we really want to know.
Our cyber world's so interesting.....................we have a common bond.
To start up new relationships....................regardless where we're from.
We share the details of our lives..................with those we like the most.
Eventually you start to love.........................the ones who become close.
It's like a family of sort.............................................and you develop love.
With those who share your cyber life...........the ones you're fondest of.
The world outside can't comprehend........how love can start to bloom.
Especially if you're alone.................................while sitting in some room.
Married, single, young or old...........................or somewhere in between.
People share their love on-line................with those they've never seen.
Sometimes friends and wives and husbands...........do not understand.
Because they're not involved with us..............when we're in cyberland.
If you fall in love with someone.............................................on the Internet.
Assure your loved ones close to you.....................that this is not a threat.
Why can't people fall in love.........................................and just let it evolve?
Why do many people think that................................sex must be involved?
You can love another when you........................just give love a chance.
Why do shallow people think..............you must take down your pants?
Sex is sex and love is love............................And we need both of them.
But we don't need the sexy part............................to love a cyber friend.
Love is good and love is pure.....................and it was meant to share.
It does not mean it's sexual........................because you show you care.
Love is pure and wonderful..............................the way it's always been.
That's the reason I can say.............................I love my on-line friend.
So share your love with someone..............if they're now a part of you.
Giving and receiving love.....................................is heavens gift to you.
Tell them that you love them..............and it's them you're thinking of.
For it is pure and innocent.........................when you share cyber love.
Everyone has loved ones close.......................... or living in their home.
And even in the midst of them........................you sometimes feel alone.
But now you have your online friend..........who does light up your life.
And shares in all your happiness..............your worries and your strife.
Maybe you will chance to meet.............................that very special one.
And as you get to know them..................it may become more than fun.
You may want to meet in person..........................if you both do choose.
It may be a new beginning...................................when you rendezvous.
Some will meet in person...............................................and make it reality.
Some will have to love on-line................................that's all that it can be.
If meeting is impossible..................................because of your life styles.
Enjoy all that you have today.........................and love across the miles.
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: xhm.bbs@bbs.net.tsin]
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