Poetry 版 (精华区)
发信人: Angell (安琪儿), 信区: Poem_ci
标 题: my unseen friend
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Sep 28 18:11:31 1999), 转信
发信人: buff (演音), 信区: Poetry
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Sep 27 09:32:33 1999)
I haven't ever seen you
But I know you're really there
I click you into reality
Like magic from the air
Your voice is like an angel
Though I really do not hear
Your hug as warm as any
Of loved ones I hold dear
You're always there for comfort
Or a word of cheer
Though you are very far away
I always have you near
You're a very special friend
Like none I've ever known
As long as you're in cyberspace
I'll never be alone
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: xhm.bbs@bbs.net.tsin]
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