Reading 版 (精华区)
发信人: elf (人间精灵), 信区: Reading
标 题: 成功之钥15
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Thu Oct 17 16:24:42 2002) , 转信
Enforce Self-Discipline
前面几章我们所强调的,是控制思想的重要性,对思想的 控制,是你的个人进取心、
积极心态和热忱控制的关键因素, 而自律则是结合所有这些努力的过程。
Earlier chapters have placed heavy emhasis on the importance of taking con
trol of your mind. This control is pivotal to your personal initiative, positi
ve mental attituded, and controlled enthusiasm. Self-discipline is the process
that ties all these efforts together for you.
一个人能达到自律要求后,在其他原则方面必然也会有 所进步。自律要求自我认识以
及对自己能力的正确评估。同 样的,如果缺乏自律功夫,其他原理也无法真正付诸行动。
自 律可说是一条管道,而你为了达到成功目标,所必须表现出来 的所有个人力量,都会
It isn't possible to achieve self-discipline without making some progress
on theose other principles; self discipline requries self-knowledge and an acc
urate assesssment of your current abilities. Likewise, the other principles ca
n't really be put into action without self-disciples can't really be put into
action without self-discipline. It is the channel through which all your perso
nal power for success must flow.
Think of your mind as a reserveoir in which you have been storing up poten
tial power. You will now learn to release that power in precise quantities and
specific directions. This is the essence of self-discipline.
Controlling Your Emotions
Most people act first and think about the consequesnces later. Self-discip
line will reverse that process. You will learn to think before you act.
学习这种程序的主要方法,就是控制你的情绪。我们再 来回顾一下14种主要的情绪:
The primary means to this ecd is your control of your emotions. For review
, the fourteen major emotions are repeated below.
Positive Emotions 消极情绪
Negative Emotions
1.爱 Love
2.性 Sex
3.希望 Hope
4.信心 Faith
5.热忱 Enthusiasm
6.忠诚 Loyalty
7.欲望 Desire
1.恐惧 Fear
2.嫉妒 Jealousy
3.仇恨 Hatred
4.报复 Revenge
5.贪婪 Greed
6.愤怒 Anger
7.迷信 Superstition
所有这些情绪都是一种心理状态,所以也是你能掌控的 对象。你可以想像如果不能控
制那些消极情绪,会造成多么 大的危险。同样的,如果你不能有意识地控制那些积极情绪
All these emotions are states of mind and are thus subject to your control
. YOu can see right away how dangerous the negative emotions can be if they ar
e not mastered. The positive emotions can also be destructive if you do not or
ganize and release them with conscious control.
隐藏在这些情绪里的,是具有爆炸威力的力量。如果你 能适当地控制这股力量,它就
可能使你获得成就;但如果你任 由它自行奔放,它就可能把你扔到失败的深渊之中,使你
头破 血流。
Inherent in these emotions is explosive power. If you regulate that power
properly, it can lift you to the heights of achievement. But if you let it run
wild, it can dash you to pieces on the rocks of failure.
从前面几章中,你已学到明确的目标加上有推动力的动 机,是所有成就的起始点。这
股动机必须非常强烈,促使你所 有的思想和努力,都以达成明确目标为依归……但是你的
推 动力——你的情绪——也必须由你的判断力来控制,以期你 的热忱和欲望不致脱离你
的智慧范围成为脱缰野马。换句话 说,你必须约束你自己,以使得你的推动力永远受到控
制,而 且会被导引到正确的管道中。
You learned in earlier chapters that a definite major purpose, activated b
y a driving motive, is the starting point of all worhwhile achievement. This m
otive must be so strong that it will subordinate all your thoughts and efforts
to the attainment of your definite purpose. But your drive--your emotions--mu
st also be subject to your own good judgment so that your enthusiasm and desir
e will not run over your wisdom. In other words, you must discipline yourself
so that your drive is always under control and directed in the proper channels
自律要求以你的理性来平衡你的情绪,也就是说在你做 决定之前,你应学习兼顾你的
感情和理性。有的时候应该排 除所有情绪,而只接受理性的一面;而有时候你必须接受较
多的情绪面,并用理性来做一些修饰——符合中庸之道是非常 重要的。
Self-discipline calls for balancing your emotions with your reasoning. Thi
s means you must learn to consult both your fellings and your reason before yo
u reach any decision. Sometimes you will need to set aside your emotions and f
llow the dictates of reason alone. Other times you will decide in favor of you
r emotions, modified by your reson. A happpy medium is imporant.
例如那些正在热恋中的人,他们都愿意为所爱的人做任 何事,此时他们很容易受到对
方的摆布,热恋中的人很难成就 什么事情,因为他们根本没有为自己定下什么目标。
Consider, for example, those people who are so in love that they will do a
nything for their beloveds. Thery are putty in the hands of other. They rarely
amount to anything because they have no purposes of their own in life.
在做任何决定时排除一切情绪因 素,是比较安全而且聪明的方法,答案当然是否定的。
You might wonder if this danger means that it would be sager and wiser to
control your life strictly on the basis of reason and leave emotion out of eve
ry decisison. The answer is and emphatic no.
别忘了你的情绪会给你带来推动力,而这股动力,就是使 你将决定转变成具体行动的
Don't forget, your emotions provide your driving power, the activating for
ce which enables you to put your decisions into action. If you destroyed hope
and faith, what would there be to live for? If you killed enthusiasm, loyalty,
and desire but still retained reason, what good would reason be? It would sti
ll be there to provide direction, but what would it dirct?
像河流一样,你可以筑一道堤 防把它挡起来,并在控制和导引之下排放它,但却不能永远
抑 制它,否则那道堤防迟早会崩溃,并造成大灾难。
You must control and direct your emotions, not abolish them. Besides, abol
ition would be animossible task. Emotions are like a river. Theire power can b
e dammed up and released under control and direction, but is cannot be held fo
rever in check. Sooner or later the dam will burst, unleashing catastrophic de
你的消极心态同样也可被控制和导引,积极心态和自律 可去除其中有害的部分,而使
这些消极心态能为目标贡献力 量。有的时候恐惧和生气会激发出更彻底的行动,但是在你
释放消极情绪(以及积极情绪)之前务必要让你的理性为它们 做一番检验,缺乏理性的情
Your negative emotions can also be controlled and directed. PMA and self-d
iscipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve sonstructive pi
rposes. Sometimes fear and anger will inspire intense action. But you must alw
ays submit your negative emotions--and you positive ones--to the examination o
f your reson before releasing the. Emotion without reson is a dreadful enemy.
是什么力量使得情绪和理性之间能够达到平衡呢?是意 志力或自尊心(我将在以下做更
详细的说明)。自律会教导你 的意志力作为理性和情绪的后盾,并强化二者的表现强度。
What faculty provides the crucial balance between emotions and reason? It
is your willpower, or ego, a subject which will be explored in more detail bel
ow. Self-dicipline will teach you to therow your willpower behind either reson
or emotion and amplify the intesity of their exprssion.
你的感情和理智都需要一位主宰,而在你的自尊心里就 可发现这个主宰,然而只有你
在发挥你的自律精神时,自尊心 才会扮演好这个角色,如果没有了自律,你的理智和感情
便会 随心所欲地进行战争,战争结果当然是你会受到严重的伤害。
Both your heart and your mind need a master, and they can find the master
in your ego. However, your ego will fill thei role only if you use self-discip
line. In the absence of self-dicipline, your mind and heart will fight their b
attles as they please. In this situation the person within whose mind the figh
t is carried out often gets badly hurt.
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
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