Rockroll 版 (精华区)
发信人: fuci (看,老树发芽了), 信区: Rockroll
标 题: bob dylan (2)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Thu Mar 2 20:15:37 2000), 转信
发信人: monet1 (Hallelujah), 信区: Rock
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Tue Jun 22 02:56:56 1999)
Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood)
Now, don't you try an' move me,
You're just gonna lose.
There's a crash on the levee
And, mama, you've been refused.
Well, it's sugar for sugar
And salt for salt,
If you go down in the flood,
It's gonna be your own fault.
Oh mama, ain't you gonna miss your best friend now?
You're gonna have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow.
Well, that high tide's risin',
Mama, don't you let me down.
Pack up your suitcase,
Mama, don't you make a sound.
Now, it's king for king,
Queen for queen,
It's gonna be the meanest flood
That anybody's seen.
Oh mama, ain't you gonna miss your best friend now?
Yes, you're gonna have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow.
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香[FROM:]
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