Rockroll 版 (精华区)
发信人: fuci (执著), 信区: Rockroll
标 题: drain you
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Mon Jan 10 18:14:23 2000), 转信
发信人: Aquarius (Michael), 信区: Rock
标 题: Nirvana--Drain You
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Tue Apr 28 13:34:51 1998)
Drain You
One baby to another says
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think unless
It is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube and end up in your infection
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
'cause I like you
With eyes so dilated
I've became your pupil
You've taught me everything
Without a poison apple
The water is so yellow
I'm a healthy student
Indebted and so grateful
Vacuum out the fluids
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
'cause I like you
One baby to another says
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think unless
It is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube and end up in your infection
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
Sloppy it lips to lips
You're my vitamins
'cause I'm like you
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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