Aero 版 (精华区)
发信人: murjun (萧牧), 信区: Aero
标 题: 杨利伟的太空助理
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年10月21日10:33:08 星期二), 站内信件
Yang's 'space assistant'
A set of instruments, known as the "electronic secretary", in China's first
manned spacecraft provided detailed data and spoken instructions for the
country's first astronaut in space.
Experts with the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (CAST),
manufacturer of the spacecraft, described the system, which included three
display panels, six meters, a computer system and a group of buttons.
Yang Liwei returned to Earth safe and sound on Oct. 16 after orbiting the
planet 14 times in a Chinese-made spacecraft.
The electronic assistant provided him with data coming from inside and
outside the capsule and alert messages in Chinese characters and voice
Graphics like the world map and the position of the spacecraft were available
on the display panel at the push of a button.
The data included the altitude, speed, flight time, temperature and humidity
and status of various systems inside the capsule as well as the physical
condition on the astronaut.
The electronic device would alert the astronaut in both Chinese characters
and short, clear and artificial mezzo-soprano voice instructions if data were
not up to preset standards.
A stand-by electronic assistant was installed in the capsule, including a
display panel and a computer system, said the experts.
A video monitor system in the capsule was also capable of providing much of
the data if the two computer systems failed.
Jim Mural
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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