Aero 版 (精华区)
发信人: murjun (萧牧), 信区: Aero
标 题: 火星漫步者上的三种仪器:火星的秘密写在岩石里EN
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年10月25日19:54:20 星期六), 站内信件
Mars History: Written in Stone
On Mars, three instruments will work together to perform remote analysis of
the rock and soil that the Mars rovers encounter. The M?ssbauer spectrometer
specializes in detecting iron compounds. The miniTES reads infrared
radiation. And the Alpha-Particle-X-Ray Spectrometer, or APXS measures a
range of chemical elements in a sample.
"The APXS contains radioactive sources and detectors for the measurement of
x-rays and alpha particles emitted by the sample," says Rudi Rieder, of the
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany and APXS Payload Element Lead.
" Basically [the three spectrometers] will all support each other: minerals
are easier to reconstruct if you know what ingredients are available, what
atomic environment persists at the site of iron atoms, and what infrared
characteristics have been found. And knowing the mineral composition of a
sample will help to reconstruct its origin and history," Rieder says.
A view of the APXS sensor head. Its detectors can be seen in the center of
the chamber. To the left and the right of the detectors are door flaps that
open during use and close to keep out martian dust.
Credit: Max Planck Institute
All of this analysis is aimed at detecting chemical changes wrought by water,
probably long in the past. "Unfortunately, we have no way of directly
determining the current water content and our capabilities of detecting
carbonates - characteristic of [water-borne] sediments - are limited to
comparatively high concentrations," Rieder says.
How Does It Work?
In this APXS graphic, the red spectrum shows excitation with alpha particles
(PIXE) and x rays (XRF). Click image for larger version. Excitation with only
x rays is seen in the blue spectrum. In this case, a sleeve was mounted
around the curium source holder that contained thin Al foils to absorb alpha
particles. The suppression of the alpha particles reduced the signal of low Z
elements drastically (fraction of x-ray excitation in percent is given
together with element label). Higher Z elements beyond Fe are only excited by
plutonium x-ray lines.
Credit: Rudi Rieder, Max Planck Institute
Pressed against a rock or a small patch of soil by the Instrument Deployment
Device (IDD), the rover's robotic arm, the APXS bombards the sample (about 38
mm, or 1.5 inches, in diameter) with radiation. Atoms in the sample absorb
the radiation, then emit x-rays and alpha particles. The APXS reads both
kinds of reemitted radiation, which emerge with energy levels characteristic
of different elements. "This is similar to the emission of visible light with
characteristic colors when elements are heated, for example in a flame or in
fireworks." Rieder says.
Alpha particles work better for exciting relatively light elements, such as
sodium, magnesium, aluminum, and silicon. X-rays are more effective in
exciting heavier elements, such as iron, cobalt and nickel. The relative
effectiveness of the two kinds of radiation crosses over at chromium, which
responds as well to either kind of radiation. The combination of the two
types of radiation makes the APXS a very sensitive instrument, Rieder says.
While the APXS on the MERs conceptually resembles similar instruments on the
Mars Pathfinder, it includes a number of improvements: improved sensitivity
to x-rays, and stronger resistance to electromagnetic interference and to
noise caused by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The brains of the APSX reside in the rover's Warm Electronics Box, where data
are assembled into spectra.
"From these spectra, data on the abundance of individual elements in the
respective sample (a rock or a spot of soil) can be deduced," Rieder says.
"In the case of the x-ray spectra this is comparatively straightforward, as
the information about individual elements is contained in well-defined areas
of the spectrum in the form of well-resolved, almost line-shaped 'peaks.'
Interpretation of the alpha spectra is a little bit more elaborate, as these
spectra consist of a superposition of more box-shaped distributions."
The rock abrasion tool, or RAT.
Credit: NASA/ JPL/ Cornell/Honeybee Robotics
The APXS has two small, protective doors, and the researchers can conduct
simple functional tests by reading the radiation reflected from the special
coating on the inside of the doors. The APXS can also read the magnetite-rich
rock sample flown on the rovers for further calibration. This is the same
calibration sample that the M?ssbauer spectrometer uses. The APXS team
conducted pre-flight calibration on a wide variety of test samples.
"Signal strength in the alpha mode is orders of magnitude lower than in the
x-ray mode and therefore much longer measuring periods (at least 10 hours)
are required, whereas in the x-ray mode, data with good statistical precision
can be obtained within 15 to 30 minutes," Rieder says. Once the spectra are
collected, all data analysis will take place back on Earth.
What's Next?
Next stop: Mars, Rieder says. "I hope we get a chance to spend a week with
one rock only: first analysis as-is, then with dust removed, and then with
the RAT grinding away several consecutive layers. I believe that in this way
we may learn a lot about the current weathering processes that ultimately
lead to the formation of soil, and about the original constitution of the
source material: bulk rock."
"Digging into soil and taking analysis at different depths is another item on
my list. Things may be hidden under the surface that 'bleach out when exposed
to sunshine.' And a subtle change in chemistry may give us some indirect
hunch about current water.
Jim Mural
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