Aero 版 (精华区)
发信人: dxmxqe (婴儿), 信区: Aero
标 题: Rocket blasts small satellites into space
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2004年04月19日20:33:49 星期一), 站内信件
【 以下文字转载自 Black_Soil 讨论区 】
【 原文由 smartboy 所发表 】
Rocket blasts small satellites into space
By Zhao Huanxin (China Daily)
Updated: 2004-04-19 07:39
A mini-satellite and a micro-satellite, both for experimental purposes,
blasted off atop a Long March rocket from Southwest China's Sichuan Province
just before midnight last night.
A Long March rocket blasts off from Xichang April 18, putting two
experimental satellites into orbits. [Xinhua]
The event marked that China has made "important breakthroughs" in the
research and development of small satellites, a Xichang Satellite Launch
Centre spokesman said.
"Experimental Satellite I," a minisat weighing 204 kilograms, blasted off
into space at 11:59 pm aboard a Long March 2C rocket from the centre, said
the spokesman.
A microsat, the 25-kilogram "Nano-satellite I," was also launched
piggyback-style on the rocket, the spokesman said.
Twelve minutes after the rocket lifted off, "Experimental Satellite I"
entered into its preset sun-synchronous orbit, which is 597 kilometres above
the Earth.
In about 30 seconds, the nano-satellite had also reached the sun's orbit,
around 596 kilometres from Earth, according to reports from the Xi'an
Satellite Monitoring Centre in Northwest China's Shaanxi Province.
Micro-satellites are satellites lighter than 100 kilograms, while a
mini-satellite is usually one weighing between 100 kilograms and a half ton,
according to aerospace conventions.
These new types of satellites, based on micro-electronic technology, are
known for their high quality, low costs, and the shorter amounts of time
needed for research and manufacturing, space experts said.
"Experimental Satellite I" was developed by the Harbin Institute of
Technology in Heilongjiang Province, the China Aerospace Science and
Technology Corp in Beijing, and two other partner institutes. The pioneering
satellite involved a wealth of advanced mini-satellite expertise, and has
"blazed a new trail in terms of developing China's mini-satellite
technology," the spokesman said.
The China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station under the Chinese Academy
of Sciences will use the mini-satellite for land resource photogrammetry,
geographic environmental monitoring and surveying and mapping experiments, he
"Nano-satellite I" was developed, and will be used by the Tsinghua University
and the Aerospace Tsinghua Satellite Technology Co in Beijing. By launching
such an experimental nano-satellite, Chinese scientists hope to develop a
nano-satellite platform, according to the spokesman.
He said that China has made headway in the field of small satellites. It is
now capable of developing satellites weighing 25 kilograms and beyond.
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