Biology 版 (精华区)
发信人: lilyhua (life in lab), 信区: Biology
标 题: western blot troubleshooting
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年04月08日18:27:31 星期二), 站内信件
1.Poor Transfer
1)Membrane does not wet uniformly:
Pre-wet membrane in 100% methanol
2)MW of protein is less than 10,000 :
If protein has MW <10,000, it may have flown through? the membrane.
Reduce transfer time, or place two sheets of transfer membrane soaked
in Anode Buffer II under gel in transfer stack, or select membrane
with smaller pore size
3)Isoelectric point of protein is <9:
Use alternate buffer system (such as CAPS buffer pH 10.5) with a
higher pH;
Assemble transfer stack with additional membrane soaked in cathode
buffer on the cathode side of gel. This will capture proteins that
migrate towards the cathode. Identify membrane location in stack and
immunostain all membranes in stack
4)Methanol concentration :
Higher methanol concentration increases binding to membrane but may
retard transfer from gel
5)SDS concentration :
Adding 0.005 - 0.01% SDS to cathode buffer can increase transfer
efficiency of protein from gel
Note: Increased SDS concentration may interfere with binding to
6)Thick gel:
Thicker gels or higher MW proteins may require longer transfer times
2.High Background Staining
1)Membrane does not wet : uniformly Pre-wet membrane in 100% methanol
2)Inadequate blocking :
Optimize the blocking step by trying alternate blocking solutions
(e.g., non-fat milk, gelatin, etc.) or increasing time and temperature
of blocking step
3)Cross-reactivity of antibody reagents:
Check for cross-reactivity of antibody reagents to the blocking
3.Low Protein Binding:
Overwashing Keep the length of TTBS washes to a minimum:
See poor Transfer?problem for alternatives
4. High Protein Binding, Low Signal
1) Inadequate antibody staining:
Check antibody dilutions and expiration dates
2)Inactive AP conjugate and/or substrate:
Add enzyme conjugate to substrate reagents as prepared in step 7 of
immunostaining procedure. If color occurs, reagents are performing
3)Poor sample:
If positive control worked, sample may not contain protein of
interest or it may be present at concentrations too low to detect
4.Several Bands are Stained
1) Non-specific binding of secondary reagents:
Check non-specific binding by running extra sample lane and omitting
1st antibody from immunostaining procedure, run with a non-specific
antibody control in place of 1st antibody, or perform dot blot and
omit the 1st antibody. If staining occurs, choose an alternate 2nd
2)Primary antibody is not monospecific:
Use a monoclonal or affinity purified antibody
其实 我盼望的 也不过就只是那一瞬
我从没要求过 你给我 你的一生
如果能在开满了栀子花的山坡上 与你相遇
如果能深深地爱过一次 再别离
那么 再长久的一生
不也就只是 就只是回首时 那短短的一瞬
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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