Chemistry 版 (精华区)
发信人: MatPhyChem (材料物理化学), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: Fuel Cell Virtual Journal New Issue Alert - November 2004
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Jan 8 16:48:31 2005), 转信
Fuel Cell Virtual Journal New Issue Alert - November 2004
Please find below the Fuel Cell Virtual Journal’s latest table of contents,
including links to the abstracts and full-text articles. This issue, the
latest conference information and news are also available from the Fuel Cell
Virtual Journal website. We apologise for the delay in alerting you to the
November issue content. The delay is due to the migration of the Fuel Cell
Virtual Journal from its previous site to the website.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Volume 2, Issue 11, 30 November 2004:
Introduction to solid polymer membrane fuel cells and reforming natural gas
for production of hydrogen
Robert J. Farrauto
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Article in Press)
Simulation analysis of a system combining solid oxide and polymer electrolyte
fuel cells
Masayuki Yokoo and Tetsuo Take
Journal of Power Sources 137 (2) (2004) 206-215
LCA of a molten carbonate fuel cell system
Piero Lunghi, Roberto Bove, and Umberto Desideri
Journal of Power Sources 137 (2) (2004) 239-247
Fuel cell development for space applications: fuel cell system in a closed
Yoshitsugu Sone, Mitsushi Ueno and Saburo Kuwajima
Journal of Power Sources 137 (2) (2004) 269-276
Dynamic modeling and simulation of a small wind–fuel cell hybrid energy
M. J. Khan, and M. T. Iqbal
Renewable Energy 30 (3) (2005) 421-439
Can refillable alkaline methanol–air systems replace metal–air cells?
G. Koscher and K. Kordesch
Journal of Power Sources 136 (2) (2004) 215-219
Portable fuel cell systems for America’s army: technology transition to the
Ashok S. Patil, , Terry G. Dubois, Nicholas Sifer, Elizabeth Bostic,
Kristopher Gardner, Michael Quah and Christopher Bolton
Journal of Power Sources 136 (2) (2004) 220-225
Li-ion batteries and portable power source prospects for the next 5–10 years
Michel Broussely, and Graham Archdale
Journal of Power Sources 136 (2) (2004) 386-394
Calculating the price trajectory of adoption of fuel cell vehicles
Kerry-Ann Adamson
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Article in Press)
Life Cycle Analysis of wind–fuel cell integrated system
FaisalI. Khan, Kelly Hawboldt and M.T. Iqbal
Renewable Energy 30 (2) (2005) 157-177
Fuel cell modelling for building cogeneration applications
Alex Fergusan and V. Ismet Ugursal
Journal of Power Sources 137 (1) (2004) 30-42
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
The effect of cathodic water on performance of a polymer electrolyte fuel
A.A. Kulikovsky
Electrochimica Acta 49 (28) (2004) 5187-5196
Thermal degradation of the support in carbon-supported platinum
electrocatalysts for PEM fuel cells
D.A. Stevensa and J.R. Dahna
Feeding PEM fuel cells
A.A. Kulikovskya, A. Kucernak and A.A. Kornyshev
Electrochimica Acta ( Article in Press)
Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
A one dimensional model of a methanol fuel cell anode
K. Scott, and P. Argyropoulos
Journal of Power Sources 137 (2) (2004) 228-238
Design and fabrication of pumpless small direct methanol fuel cells for
portable applications
Takahiro Shimizu, Toshiyuki Momma, Mohamed Mohamedi, Tetsuya Osaka and
Srinivasan Sarangapanic
Journal of Power Sources 137 (2) (2004) 277-283
Development of nanophase CeO2-Pt/C cathode catalyst for direct methanol fuel
Hwan Bae Yua, Joon-Hee Kim, Ho-In Lee, M. Aulice Scibioh, Jaeyoung Lee,
Jonghee Han, Sung Pil Yoon and Heung Yong Ha
Journal of Power Sources (Article in Press)
Multi-wall carbon nanotube supported Pt–Sn nanoparticles as an anode
catalyst for the direct ethanol fuel cell
Xinsheng Zhao, Wenzhen Li, Luhua Jiang, Weijiang Zhou, Qin Xin, Baolian Yi
and Gongquan Sun
Carbon 42 (15) (2004) 3263-3265
Preparation of Pd-coated polymer electrolyte membranes and their application
in direct methanol fuel cells
T. Hejze, B.R. Gollas, R.K. Sauerbrey, M. Schmied, F. Hofer and J.O.
Journal of Power Sources (Article in Press)
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
An intermediate temperature direct ammonia fuel cell using a proton
conducting electrolyte
N. Maffei, L. Pelletier, J.P. Charland and A. McFarlan
Journal of Power Sources (Article in Press)
Simulation of a tubular solid oxide fuel cell stack using AspenPlusTM unit
operation models
W. Zhang, E. Croiset, P. L. Douglas, M. W. Fowler and E. Entchev
Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2) (2005) 181-196
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
Wide range load controllable MCFC cycle with pressure swing operation
Fumihiko Yoshiba, , Yoshiyuki Izaki and Takao Watanabe
Journal of Power Sources 137 (2) (2004) 196-205
Regenerative Fuel Cells
Optimization of bifunctional electrocatalyst for PEM unitized regenerative
fuel cell
Sung-Dae Yim, , Won-Yong Lee, Young-Gi Yoon, Young-Jun Sohn, Gu-Gon Park,
Tae-Hyun Yang and Chang-Soo Kim
Electrochimica Acta 50 (2-3) (2004) 709-714
Fuel Processing
Comparison of methanol-based fuel processors for PEM fuel cell systems
James R. Lattner and Michael P. Harold
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Article in Press)
Gasification of diesel oil in supercritical water for fuel cells
Karsten Pinkwart, , Thomas Bayha, Wolfgang Lutter and Michael Krausa
Journal of Power Sources 136 (2) (2004) 211-214
Deep desulfurization of gasoline by selective adsorption over solid
adsorbents and impact of analytical methods on ppm-level sulfur
quantification for fuel cell applications
Xiaoliang Ma, Subramani Velu, Jae Hyung Kim and Chunshan Song
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Article in Press)
Deactivation of Pt/CeO2 water-gas shift catalysts due to shutdown/startup
modes for fuel cell applications
Xinsheng Liu, , Wolfgang Ruettinger, Xiaoming Xu and Robert Farrauto
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Article in Press)
A reformer performance model for fuel cell applications
S.S. Sandhu, Y.A. Saif and J.P. Fellner
Journal of Power Sources (Article in Press)
(LiNH2–MgH2): a viable hydrogen storage system
Weifang Luo
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 381 (1-2) (2004) 284-287
Shortcut model for water-balanced operation in fuel processor fuel cell
P. Maarten Biesheuvel, and Gert Jan Kramer
Journal of Power Sources 138
(1-2) (2004) 156-161
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