Chemistry 版 (精华区)
发信人: loafer (习惯决定命运), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: Logic circuit sits on single molecule
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Thu Mar 30 14:37:10 2006), 转信
Logic circuit sits on single molecule
发信站: 日月光华 (2006年03月29日17:23:07 星期三), 站内信件
23 March 2006
Researchers at IBM, the University of Florida and Columbia University, all
in the US, have created a logic circuit on a single-walled carbon nanotube.
This is the first time that an integrated circuit has been made on a single
Nanotube logic circuit
"Our successful integration demonstrates the compatibility of carbon
nanotubes with conventional circuit architectures," Joerg Appenzeller of
IBM told "Our circuit uses a conventional CMOS-type
architecture that ensures, in principle, low power consumption. It
emphasizes that the use of nanomaterials does not automatically imply that
well established circuit concepts have to be abandoned."
The logic circuit consisted of five inverters, each made up of a p-type
field-effect transistor (FET) and an n-type FET. The result was a 5-stage
ring oscillator on a nanotube that was 18 ??m long. An additional
inverter enabled measurement of the logic circuit's performance without
interfering with its properties.
In order to create both p-type and n-type FETs on the same nanotube, the
team used metals with different work functions as the gates. The p-FET had
a gate made of palladium while the n-type device had an aluminium gate.
The circuit had a frequency response five- to six- orders of magnitude
greater than that of ring oscillators made on multiple nanotubes with
external wiring. According to the researchers, their compact design reduced
parasitic capacitance contributions and enabled operation at 52 MHz,
approximately 100,000 times faster than previous demonstrations.
"Our single nanotube ring oscillator is an important step to probe the
intrinsic a.c. performance of carbon nanotube transistors and nanotube
based circuits," said Appenzeller. "With further reduction of the parasitic
capacitance contributions we expect to eventually benefit from the
intrinsic potential of carbon nanotubes for terahertz applications."
Now the researchers plan to optimize the circuit layout to reduce the
parasitic contributions. "Further work is also needed to optimize the
nanotube source/drain metal contacts and gate dielectrics to improve the
individual device performance, enabling a better circuit function," said
The researchers reported their work in Science.
About the author
Liz Kalaugher is editor of
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