Chemistry 版 (精华区)
发信人: zjliu (秋天的萝卜), 信区: Chemistry
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Mon Mar 28 17:06:51 2005)
Hermann Staudinger was born in Worms on the 23rd of March 1881. His father
was Dr. Franz Staudinger.
Staudinger was educated in Worms, matriculated in 1899, and continued his st
udies first at the University of Halle, later at Darmstadt and Munich. He gr
aduated at Halle in 1903 and qualified for inauguration as academic lecturer
under Professor Thiele at Strasbourg University in spring 1907. In November
1907 he was appointed Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Institute of Ch
emistry of the Technische Hochschule in Karlsruhe. For fourteen years, from
1912, he was lecturer at the Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule in Zurich,
and in 1926 followed the invitation of the University of Freiburg i. Br. to
become Lecturer of Chemistry. ln this city, he remained all through his fur
ther career. From 1940 onwards he held an additional appointment as Principa
l of the Research Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry. Staudinger resigne
d from his post as Principal of the Chemical Laboratories of the University
in April 1951, and accepted the honorary appointment as Head of the State Re
search Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry, which he held until April 195
Staudinger was a prolific writer and the following books by him have been pu
blished: Die Ketene (Ketenes), published by Enke, Stuttgart, 1912; Anleitung
zur organischen qualitativen Analyse (Introduction to organic qualitative a
nalysis), published by Springer, Berlin, 1st edition 1923, 5th edition 1948,
6th edition 1955; Tabellen zu den Vorlesungen über allgemeine und anorgani
sche Chemie (Tables for the lectures on general and inorganic chemistry), pu
blished by Braun, Karlsruhe, 1st edition 1927, 5th edition 1947; Die hochmol
ekularen organischen Verbindungen, Kautschak und Cellulose (The high-molecul
ar organic compounds, rubber and cellulose), published by Springer, Berlin,
1932; Organische Kolloidchemie (Organic colloid chemistry), published by Vie
weg, Braunschweig, 1st edition 1940, 3rd edition 1950; Fortschritte der Chem
ie, Physik und Technik der makromolekularen Stoffe (Progress of the chemistr
y, physics and technique of the macromolecular substances), jointly with Pro
fessor Vieweg and Professor R?hrs, Volume 1, 1939, Volume II, 1942, publishe
r Lehmann, Munich; Makromolekulare Chemie und Biologie (Macromolecular chemi
stry and biology), publisher Wepf & Co., Basle, 1947; Vom Aufstand der techn
ischen Sklaven (The uprising of the technical slave), published by Chamier,
Essen-Freiburg, 1947.
Since September 1947 Staudinger has edited the periodical Die makromolekular
e Chemie (Macromolecular chemistry), published by Dr. A. Hüthig, Heidelberg
and Wepf & Co., Basle.
In 1961 his book Arbeitserinnerungen (Working memoirs) appeared, published b
y Dr. A. Hüthig, Heidelberg.
Besides the books, Staudinger published a great number of scientific papers.
Among these were fifty on ketenes, also works on oxalyl chloride, autoxidat
ion, aliphatic diazo-compounds, explosions, insecticides, synthetic pepper a
nd coffee aroma. Since 1920 he has written approximately 500 papers on macro
molecular compounds, about 120 of these on cellulose, about 50 on rubber and
For his work Staudinger received many honours and awards; to mention but a f
ew - he is Dr. Ing. h.c. of the Technische Hochschule Karlsruhe; Dr. rer. na
t. h.c. of the University of Mainz; Dr. (C) h.c. of the University of Salama
nca; Dr. chem. h.c. of the University of Torino; Dr. sc. techn. h.c. of the
Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule Zurich; and Dr. h.c. of the University
of Strasbourg. In 1953 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his d
iscoveries in the field of macromolecular chemistry. In 1933 he was honoured
with the Cannizzarro Prize of the Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in R
oma. He is member of the Institut de France, and member and honorary member
of many Chemical Societies and the Society of Macromolecular Chemistry in To
Hermann Staudinger is married to Magda Woit, who is for many years his co-wo
rker and co-author of numerous publications.
From Nobel Lectures , Chemistry 1942-1962.
Hermann Staudinger died in 1965.
║★★★★★友谊第一 比赛第二★★★★★║
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