Chemistry 版 (精华区)

发信人: hfyzai (风云), 信区: Chemistry
标  题: 自然科学研究领域最有影响力的期刊!
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Thu Nov 11 15:23:20 2004)


High-Impact Journals, Ranked by Citations Per Paper, 1992-2002
(Science Watch, Vol.14,NO.3, 2003)

                ----Molecular Biology & Genetics----

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Cell                      4,535            175
2      Nature                    1,658            124
3      Science                   1,368            108
4      Nature Genetics           2,062            98
5      Gene & Development        2,931            80
6      J. Cell Biology           5,480            59
7      EMBO Journal              7,199            56
8      Molec. Cellular Biology   8,530            42
9      Development               4,793            41
10     PNAS                      5,246            41

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper

1      Science                      839              77
2      Nature                       943              70
3      Physical Review Letters   28,908              25
4      PNAS                         214              14
5      Nuclear Physics B         10,740              14
6      Physics Letters B         16,751              13
7      Applied Physics Letters   27,418              13
8      Physical Review D         18,074              12
9      Physical Review B         51,163              12
10     Journal of Rheology          891              11

                 ----Biology & Biochemistry----

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Nature                          1,512            172
2      Science                         1,436            163
3      PNAS                            7,745             49
4      FASEB Journal                   2,535             38
5      Molecular Endocrinology         2,004             32
6      J. Biological Chemistry        55,168             30
7      Systematic Biology                411             27
8      Bio/Technology                    801             27
9      Nuclear Acids Research          9,507             24
10     J. Bone Mineral Research        2,601             23
                     ----Space Science----

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Nature                         688         48
2      Science                        476         32
3      Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser     1,482         26
4      Astrophysical Journal       23,529         18
5      Astronomical Journal         5,114         16
6      Mon. Not. Royal Ast. Soc.    8,417         13
7      J. Geophys. Res.-Planets     1,340         11
8      Icarus                       2,245         11
9      Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific   1,704         10
10     Astronomy & Astrophysics    14,476         10
                   ----Clinical Medicine----

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Nature                        624              272
2      Science                       746              270
3      New Engl. J. Medicine       4,331              104
4      PNAS                        3,872               76
5      J. Experimental Medicine    4,596               71
6      J. Clinical Investigation   6,143               54
7      J. Natl. Cancer Institute   1,882               49
8      Ann. Internal Medicine      2,509               47
9      JAMA-J. Am. Med. Assn.      5,349               43
10     The Lancet                  7,690               40
                ----Plant & Animal Science----

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Science                       402             84
2      Nature                        446             55
3      Plant Cell                  1,898             45
4      PNAS                        1,335             41
5      Plant Journal               2,549             25
6      Plant Physiology            6,178             19
7      Limnology & Oceanography    2,065             18
8      Ann. Missouri Botan. Garden   367             17
9      Plant Molecular Biology     3,283             17
10     J. Animal Ecology             932             16
             ----Pharmacology & Toxicology----

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Nature                            23             152
2      PNAS                             114              73
3      Molecular Pharmacology         3,448              25
4      Drugs                          1,614              18
5      J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap.     7,931              17
6      British J. Pharmacology        7,254              16
7      Chem. Res. Toxicology          1,765              14
8      Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacology    2,500              14
9      Biochemical Pharmacology       5,248              13
10     Naunyn-Schmied. Arch. Pharm.   2,037              11

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Nature                           186                125
2      Science                          275                112
3      PNAS                           1,745                 44
4      Journal of Virology           13,103                 24
5      Molecular Microbiology         4,960                 24
6      Journal of Bacteriology       11,240                 18
7      Virology                       6,462                 17
8      Appl. Environ. Microbiology    8,746                 16
9      Antimicrob. Agents Chemo.      6,453                 16
10     J. General Virology            4,265                 15


Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Nature                       587                  97
2      Science                    1,057                  83
3      PNAS                         769                  31
4      J. Amer. Chem.Soc         24,590                  24
5      Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.      7,906                  20
6      Analytical Chemistry       8,797                  18
7      J. Medicinal Chemistry     5,921                  17
8      J. Computational Chem.     1,604                  16
9      J. Physical Chemistry B   19,794                  15
10     Journal of Catalysis       3,983                  15
                 ----Neuroscience & Behavior----

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Science                           846              137
2      Nature                          1,020              137
3      Neuron                          2,851               70
4      PNAS                            2,677               54
5      Annals of Neurology             2,545               36
6      Journal of Neuroscience         9,198               34
7      Brain                           1,726               30
8      J. Cerebr. Blood Flow Metabol.  1,604               25
9      Brain Pathology                   531               24
10     Cerebral Cortex                   772               23

Rank   Journal                  papers(92-02)    cites per paper
1      Nature                             387       249
2      Science                            476       199
3      PNAS                             1,565        55
4      Journal of Immunology           16,546        29
5      European J. Immunology           5,097        25
6      J. Infectious Diseases           6,122        21
7      AIDS                             3,108        19
8      J. Leukocyte Biology             2,445        18
9      Infection and Immunity           9,651        18
10     J. Acq. Imm. Def. Syndromes      1,570        17


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