Control 版 (精华区)
发信人: ramjet (德芙), 信区: Control
标 题: 推荐一本书《反馈控制理论》
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年05月10日20:21:59 星期四), 站内信件
John Doyle Bruce Francis Allen Tannenbaum
(From the Preface:)
Striking developments have taken place since 1980 in feedback control theory.
The subject has become both more rigorous and more applicable. The rigor is
not for its own sake, but rather that even in an engineering discipline rigor
can lead to clarity and to methodical solutions to problems. The applicability
is a consequence both of new problem formulations and new mathematical
solutions to these problems. Moreover, computers and software have changed the
way engineering design is done. These developments suggest a fresh
presentation of the subject, one that exploits these new developments while
emphasizing their connection with classical control.
Control systems are designed so that certain designated signals, such as
tracking errors and actuator inputs, do not exceed pre-specified levels.
Hindering the achievement of this goal are uncertainty about the plant to be
controlled (the mathematical models that we use in representing real physical
systems are idealizations) and errors in measuring signals (sensors can measure
signals only to a certain accuracy). Despite the seemingly obvious requirement
of bringing plant uncertainty explicitly into control problems, it was only in
the early 1980s that control researchers re-established the link to the
classical work of Bode and others by formulating a tractable mathematical
notion of uncertainty in an input-output framework and developing rigorous
mathematical techniques to cope with it. This book formulates a precise
problem, called the robust performance problem, with the goal of
achieving specified signal levels in the face of plant uncertainty.
The book is addressed to students in engineering who have had an undergraduate
course in signals and systems, including an introduction to frequency-domain
methods of analyzing feedback control systems, namely, Bode plots and the
Nyquist criterion. A prior course on state-space theory would be advantageous
for some optional sections, but is not necessary. To keep the development
elementary, the systems are single-input/single-output and linear, operating in
continuous time.
Chapters 1 to 7 are intended as the core for a one-semester senior course.
These chapters constitute a
basic treatment of feedback design, containing a detailed formulation of the
control design problem, the fundamental issue of performance/stability
robustness tradeoff, and the graphical design technique of loopshaping,
suitable for benign plants (stable, minimum phase). Chapters 8 to 12 are more
advanced and are intended for a first graduate course. Chapter 8 is a bridge
to the latter half of the book, extending the loopshaping technique and
connecting it with notions of optimality. Chapters 9 to 12 treat controller
design via optimization. The approach in these
latter chapters is mathematical rather than graphical, using elementary tools
involving interpolation by analytic functions. This mathematical approach is
most useful for multivariable systems, where graphical techniques usually break
down. Nevertheless, we believe the setting of single-input/single-output
systems is where this new approach should be learned.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Norms for Signals and Systems
Chapter 3: Basic Concepts
Chapter 4: Uncertainty and Robustness
Chapter 5: Stabilization
Chapter 6: Design Constraints
Chapter 7: Loopshaping
Chapter 8: Advanced Loopshaping
Chapter 9: Model Matching
Chapter 10: Design for Performance
Chapter 11: Stability Margin Optimization
Chapter 12: Design for Robust Performance
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