Embedded 版 (精华区)
发信人: embeddedsys (选择·喜欢), 信区: Embedded_system
标 题: Embedded Linux Howto (6) Zzz
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年03月27日09:32:03 星期四), 站内信件
发信人: turbolinux (hoho~神啊,救救我吧...), 信区: Embedded
标 题: Embedded Linux Howto (6)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Jul 12 00:33:31 2001)
6. Not finished: Installing the ash root shell
6.1 Preparing ash
6.2 Configuring ash
7. Not finished: Installing BusyBox
7.1 Preparing BusyBox
7.2 Deploying BusyBox
8. Not finished: Installing required libraries
8.1 Which ones ?
8.2 Copying
8.3 ldconfig
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