Embedded 版 (精华区)
发信人: vmlinuz (生活将因为你而美丽), 信区: Embedded_system
标 题: LynxOS - OVERVIEW
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年06月01日08:30:18 星期五), 转信
LynxOS is a UNIX-compatible, POSIX-conformant multi-process and
multi-threaded real-time operating system for embedded applications.
LynxOS is not just "UNIX with real-time extensions"; rather, the
LynxOS kernel was architected for hard real-time response and
supports a vareity of services and system loading with performance
LynxOS is scalable, fully re-entrant, pre-emptible, and ROMable,
and offers real-time systems designers a reliable foundation for
building embedded applications with:
1.Hard real-time performance
2.Reliable Processing Environment
3.Open Systems APIs and Broad Hardware Support
4.Rich Services Repertoire
5.Scalable Embedded OS Profiles
6.Support for Popular Microprocessors
7.Flexible Licensing
The Lynx value proposition, combining performance, reliability,
openness, and scalability, together with Patented Lynx technology
for real-time event handling and ROMability, make LynxOS unique in
the real-time embedded marketplace.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: mtlab4.hit.edu.cn]
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