Embedded 版 (精华区)
发信人: vmlinuz (生活将因为你而美丽), 信区: Embedded_system
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年06月01日08:33:06 星期五), 转信
Every embedded systems design has a unique set of performance
criteria and resources requirements to reach a target price-performance
point. Often manufacturers of OEM systems have not one but a family
of products and price/performance points, each requiring a mix of
computing power, available memory resources, and system capabilities.
Systems designers may need to scale technology across:
1.A range of products
2.product versions targeted at individual, workgroup department, and
enterprise applications
3.Within a single product
4.Tiered product designs, like rack controllers and line cards
5.Across generations of products
Ideally, designers should be able to reuse both applications code
and even the real-time OS across all such domains, but seldom has
been the case - small real-time executive s crumble under the load
of more complex applications and larger RTOS products do not shoehorn
into smaller systems.
LynxOS Modular Kernel Technology
The Now, with LynxOS Modular Kernel Technology, real-time embedded
development teams can scale and reuse a single RTOS product across
a wide range of application price-performance points. Developers can
leverage LynxOS open APIs, device drivers, run-time components,
existing source code, and perhaps most importantly, in-house expertise
to build and deploy LynxOS-based applications to fit a family of OEM
product requirements.
LynxOS Kernel Profiles
The Lynx family of run-time kernels and components can be deployed
in any of the following profiles:
1.Full-featured Kernel Profile and Run-Time OS
2.Embedded POSIX Profile
3.Ultra-Embedded Profile
Among these profiles are price- performance points and services
suitable for large, complex multi- threaded and multi-process
real-time applications, like telecommunications switches and radar
tracking systems, down to resource-constrained deeply embedded
devices like hand-held devices and dedicated control applications.
Full-Featured Kernel Profile and Run-time OS
The most popular Lynx product, the Full-featured Kernel Profile
offers a rich set of features and resources in a modest package,
with options for:
1.A full read/write file system (disk-based, RAM, flash or virtual)
2.SVR3-compatible shared libraries
3.IP networking services, with optional STREAMS, NFS, and SNMP
4.Broad selection of IPC mechanisms
5.Add-on services, including: X/Motif GUI, Lynx/HA-DDS, Lynx/TSS Trillium Syste
For users needing to deploy a Full-featured Kernel plus the
functionality of a UNIX workstation into real-time and embedded
designs, Lynx also offers the Run-time OS. The Run-time OS includes
the Full-featured Kernel plus a selection of shells, tools, and other
Embedded POSIX Profile
Lynx Embedded POSIX Profile brings the power and openness of the
POSIX API to embedded real-time applications at a very competitive
price. With memory footprints in the 100-200 Kbytes range, Embedded
POSIX offers a good mix of modest resource requirements with a rich
services repertoire. Embedded POSIX differs from the full-featured
kernel as follows:
1.Read-only file system
2.No NFS, X/Motif, or Lynx/TSS support
3.POSIX subset API
Ultra-Embedded Profile
The Ultra-Embedded Profile presents a minimal system memory
footprint (down to 40 Kbytes) in deeply embedded resource-constrained
designs. It is ideal for embedded systems developers wishing to
extend existing LynxOS-based designs into very tight packages, like
handheld devices or remote sensors. While it shares LynxOS scheduling
and IPC capabilities, the Ultra-embedded Profile presents applications
with a "kernel plug-in" interface for both application development
and hardware interfacing.
Profile Feature Sets
The following table summarizes the main differences among LynxOS
run-time profiles:
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: mtlab4.hit.edu.cn]
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