METech 版 (精华区)
发信人: wangcq (bigdog), 信区: METech
标 题: Re: 请帮忙看看这个术语怎么翻译
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Mar 10 10:06:25 2004), 站内信件
【 在 rnavy 的大作中提到: 】
: 请帮忙看看这个术语怎么翻译silicon-on-insulayor,semiconductor wafer bonding..
: 谢
SOI is also an abbreviation for service-oriented integration. Silicon-On-Insul
ator (SOI) is a semiconductor fabrication technique developed by IBM that uses
pure crystal silicon and silicon oxide for integrated circuits (ICs) and micr
ochips. An SOI microchip processing speed is often 30% faster than today's com
plementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-based chips and power consumption
is reduced 80%, which makes them ideal for mobile devices. SOI chips also redu
ce the soft error rate, which is data corruption caused by cosmic rays and nat
ural radioactive background signals.
A CMOS-based chip has impurities added to it, a process called "doping", that
allows the chip to store an electrical charge called capacitance. In order to
control the electrical currents needed, the capacitance must be discharged and
recharged, which takes time and causes the transistors on the chip to heat up
. This production of heat limits the speed at which microchips can operate. Fo
r this reason, microchips have poor yield rates above 1 GHz and are not expect
ed to attain future speeds above 5 GHz. SOI microchips are not doped with impu
rities, which eliminates much of the capacitance and allows an SOI microchip t
o operate faster and cooler.
When IBM began developing SOI chips, they found it difficult to bond the insul
ator layer of the chip, which was a non-crystal substance, to the pure crystal
silicon layer. The SOI technology team tried using several different insulati
ng materials, and found the most promising was sapphire; however, sapphire det
eriorated easily. Then they discovered Separation by Implantation of Oxygen (S
IMOX). SIMOX involves the direct injection of purified oxygen into the silicon
wafer at an extremely high temperature. The oxygen bonds with the silicon and
forms thin layers of silicon oxide. This layer of silicon oxide film is perfe
ct enough that it bonds with the pure crystal silicon layer.
Currently, SOI chips are used in IBM's AS/400 iSeries servers. The production
of SOI chips requires minor restructuring of current fabrication methods and f
acilities allowing microchip manufacturers such as Intel or AMD to produce SOI
chips with little extra cost. IBM expects SOI chips to replace current CMOS-b
ased chips in consumer-oriented devices beginning in 2002.
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
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