METech 版 (精华区)
发信人: gladman (爱人如己), 信区: METech
标 题: 影响半导体技术发展的13位风云人物
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Mar 23 16:10:09 2004), 站内信件
作者:博客中国 2004-3-21 22:18:30
出处:博客中国( b26370c
EE Times精选了13位对半导体技术发展有重要影响的人物,正是他们的工作推动了半导体技
By Brian Fuller
EE Times
September 23, 2003 (10:49 AM EDT)
EE Times has chosen 13 people who are influencing the course of semiconductor
development technology and taking it into realms that exceed the bounds set by
the inventors of the transistor more than 50 years ago. As a result, semicond
uctors will morph with other disciplines, and electronics will be part and par
cel of the human body as well as man’s moving spirit.EE Times has chosen 13 p
eople who are influencing the course of semiconductor development technology a
nd taking it into realms that exceed the bounds set by the inventors of the tr
ansistor more than 50 years ago. As a result, semiconductors will morph with o
ther disciplines, and electronics will be part and parcel of the human body as
well as man’s moving spirit.
Paolo Gargini, Director of Technology Strategy, Intel Corp., Chairman of the I
TRS Roadmap Committee
With more than 25 years in the industry, Gargini is helping to navigate tough
process and manufacturing waters. He is known for studying electromigration an
d failure mechanisms of advanced MOS structures in process reliability. In 198
5, he headed the first submicron process development team at Intel. Highest de
grees: PhD, EE and PhD, physics, University of Bologna
Ken McElvain, CTO, Synplicity
Having left Mentor Graphics to create Synplicity, McElvain is considered a gen
ius in FPGA synthesis. Before creating his company’s flagship product, he cut
his teeth at Mentor as the principal designer of the AutoLogic synthesis tool
. Pre-Mentor, McElvain worked on HDL synthesis and static timing verification,
among other things, at Hewlett-Packard. Highest degrees: BA, mathematics, and
BS, computer science, Washington State University
Bernie Meyerson, Chief Technology Officer at IBM Microelectronics
The father of silicon germanium, Meyerson stumbled on the idea for the technol
ogy after dropping a piece of silicon on the floor. This erstwhile cabinet mak
er did groundbreaking research in low-temperature epitaxial growth. For 40 yea
rs, he upheld a traidition of dining with his grandmother once a week. Meyerso
n was a 1998 finalist for U.S. inventor of the year. Highest degree: PhD, phys
ics, New York City College
Phaedon Avouris, Manager of Nanoscale Science at the IBM T.J. Watson Research
Poised to revolutionize semiconductors as they shrink to the nanoscal level, h
e sits in the catbird seat. Avouris headed researchers at IBM that benchmarked
the world’s first carbon-nanotube transistor (using a nanotube as the channe
l of a conventional silicon transistor) as outperforming silicon transistors.
Recently, he led the team that benchmarked the world’s first light-emitting n
anotube for integrating optics onto silicon chips. Highest degree: PhD, physic
s, Michigan State University
Chris Rowen, CEO, Tensilica
Great blood lines: The professorial Rowen was a pioneer in RISC architecture u
nder John Hennessy at Stanford University. Rowen helped found MIPS Computer Sy
stems in 1984 and was vice president for microprocessor development. Before fo
unding Tensilica in 1997, he was vice president of the Design Reuse Group of S
ynopsys. Rowen is a passionate evangelist for his approach to processor design
. Highest degree: PhD, computer science
Joe Sawicki, Vice President and General Manager, Design-to-Silicon Division, M
entor Graphics
Sawicki leveraged eight years as an integrated circuits designer to land in on
e of the hottest areas in electronics design today: DFx (design for yield, man
ufacturing, profitability, etc.). Quick-witted, he’s a savvy up-and-comer in
a perfect spot, as design pulls in the back end. Highest degree: MBA, Northeas
tern University
Raminderpal Singh, Senior Engineering Manager, IBM Microelectronics and the Vi
rtual Socket Interface Alliance
He is published in the area of substrate and process modeling and is a guru on
modeling the electrical noise in an advanced process. At VSIA, Singh headed t
he development leading to the world’s first specifications document describin
g signal integrity issues for the import of analog and digital IP. He’s young
and ambitious. Highest degree: PhD, engineering, Newcastle University (U.K.)
Nav Sooch, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Silicon Labs
Once called the Tiger Woods of the semiconductor industry, the 40-year-old Soo
ch has created innovative mixed-signal technology that breaks the historical b
arriers of CMOS process technology. His early inventions include the design of
the delta-sigma A/D and D/A converter and the first PRML read channel in CMOS
. He cofounded Silicon Laboratories. Highest degree: MSEE, Stanford University
Fred Weber, Chief Technologist, Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Computation Produ
cts Group
He helped to develop the AMD K6 processor and was the co-lead of the AMD Athlo
n. Weber has deep roots in complex processor architectures, having worked in a
rchitectural and engineering positions at NexGen, Encore Computer and Kendall
Square Research. Degrees of separation: Counts Gordon Bell among his mentors.
Highest degree: BA, physics, Harvard University
Anantha Chandrakasan, Professor in the EECS Department, Massachusetts Institut
e of Technology
With a research focus on energy-efficient implementation of wireless integrate
d systems, Chandrakasan works in digital ICs and systems. Projects include: AM
PS, a distributed microsensor networks for monitoring and controlling various
applications; design of ultrawideband (UWB) transceivers integrated as RF comm
unication systems in CMOS. Will chair Technology Directions activities at the
2004 ISSCC.
Trudy Stetzler, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Digital Radio Group, DSP Pro
ducts Division, Texas Instruments
Responsible for system-level analysis of digital audio broadcast (DAB) solutio
ns. Prior to TI, she was with Bell Labs. Stetzler is technical program chair a
t the 2003 CICC. Highest degrees: MSEE from the University of California; MBA,
Wharton School (U. of Pennsylvania)
Yervant Zorian, Vice President and Chief Scientist at Virage Logic
Founded and currently chairs the IEEE P1500 standardization working group for
embedded core test, and has authored over 200 papers and three books. Since 19
96, Zorian has been chief technical adviser of LogicVision. He is the vice pre
sident of the IEEE Computer Society for Technical Activities and is the editor
in chief emeritus of IEEE Design & Test of Computers. He is an honorary docto
r of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Highest degrees: MSc, Univer
sity of Southern California, PhD, McGill University
Salvo Coffa, Director of Research of the Silicon Optoelectronics and post-Sili
con Technologies group, STMicroelectronics
He pioneered work on silicon-based optoelectronics and is one of the world’s
leading experts in the field. Coffa developed innovative experiments for explo
ring the mechanisms of formation and annealing of ion-implantation defects in
crystalline and amorphous silicon. Highest degree: PhD, physics, University of
Catania (Italy)
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